
Getting it to run

  1. Make sure you have yarn installed
  2. Make sure you have expo installed:
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies
  4. Run expo install for more dependencies
  5. Create a .env file and set EXPO_PUBLIC_GITHUB_TOKEN to a valid GitHub personal access token with at least public repo scope
  6. If on a Mac, run yarn ios to open in the iOS simulator


  • There are some Typescript errors, namely around typing for react-navigation, that I left as is since that wasn't the focus of the take home
  • There are some commented out skeleton functions for minor improvements I would have liked to get around to (humanizing numbers, highlighting search terms, etc.)
  • The way the github token is used is not good from a security perspective and it shouldn't be done that way in prod, but since having a server wasn't the focus of the take home, I left it as is
  • It's mostly responsive, but on smaller screens, for repos with a lot of languages, they can overlap and go under the button. Would want to make that part scrollable for smaller screens