Full-stack template

Full-stack boilerplate using html, css, node, and express.

Don't forget to set your database url in app.js or as an environment variable!

To start: run DEBUG=fullstack_template:* npm run devstart and go to http://localhost:3000.


  • update dependencies in package.json as necessary
  • create models when you get your database
  • update routes.js as necessary
  • update app.js as necessary
  • write all your backend code in your controllers directory

IMPORTANT: run npm install to install all dependencies

  • npm install consolidate and swig to avoid using pug as the templating engine
  • npm install mongoose to connect to a database for users and features
  • npm install bcryptjs, body-parser, express-validator, and jsonwebtoken in order to securely authenticate users
  • npm install express-session in order to track user sessions