A repository containing the dotfiles I use
Clone this repository within your home directory
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/achyuta116/.dotfiles
Run the install script via your shell
cd .dotfiles
zsh install
Or alternatively stow the required config files manually
stow nvim alacritty #... The directory names of the configs you'd like to use
- The base Neovim configuration is taken from Chris@Machine's YT series - Neovim from Scratch
- zsh uses OhMyZsh and powerlevel10k
- Colorscheme - Kanagawa Dragon
- tmux configuration heavily inspired by ThePrimeagen
- tmux-sessionizer - a tmux Navigation Bash Script built from Developer Productivity FrontendMasters course taken by ThePrimeagen
Note The script works within a regular terminal session, within tmux sessions and within neovim running in tmux sessions
Warning You cannot be within a regular terminal window running neovim to use this script
- The alacritty configuration uses the Cascadia Code NF installed from NerdFont Downloads