
A learning project involving the Rust Programming Language Inspired by this video


A server and client pass messages to eachother using

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Frame {
    Join { username: String, room: u32 },
    Message { username: String, body: String },
    Leave { username: String }
  • Async runtime provided by Tokio and used broadcast channels to function as rooms between two async tasks
  • Used serde to encode and decode Message Frames in the server and the client
  • Sockets and Channels provided by Rust and Tokio are fantastic
  • Transferred Frames across TCP connections as raw data without using WebSockets (tokio-tungstenite)


Run the server having installed cargo using

cargo run --bin server

Run clients using

cargo run --bin client

Follow the instructions and send messages back and forth across multiple clients

Note Room numbers are integers