
Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

acid bot

**An Edited Bot Based On Tele seed Plugins and Added new and Usefull Plugins to it


  • A powerful Anti spam with custom sensitivity For each group
  • Multiple Realms(admin groups)
  • recalcitrant to any kind of spamming(Xy bots,name|photo changers and ...)
  • Global ban
  • Broadcast to all groups
  • Group link
  • Kick,ban and unban by reply
  • Groups,ban and global bans list
  • Logging anything that happens in group !
  • Invite by username
  • Group administration in bots private
  • Only mods,owner and admin can add bots
  • Arabic lock
  • And ...

Table of Contents - Admins commands - Realm creation - Group creation - Add or remove realms - Add or remove groups - Leaving - Everything about groups - Setting description in realm - Setting group name in realm - Setting rules in realm - lock groups name|flood|photo|member in realm - Unlock groups name|flood|photo|member - Group setting in realm - Add admin - Remove admin - Admins|group list in realm - Broadcast - Realm help - Global ban commands - Set group owner - Bot stats - owners and mods commands - Hammer - group name|member|arabic|flood|bots lock - group name|member|arabic|flood|bots unlock - Group modlist|rules|about|member clean - Set groups rules|about - Setting or changing group owner - Setting or changing group photo - Changing group name - Group link - Promote and demote mods - Resolve username - Flood sensitivity - Group rules and about - Group settings - modlist - Help - Owner - Save and get - Id - Group stats - Member list - Group help - In private commands - Hammer - cleaning - setting flood sensitivity - lock groups member|name - unlock groups member|name - Group link - Group link Pv - change name|rules|name - Group log - Join


Admins commands

Only admins and sudo users can run these commands

Group creation

[!/]creategroup [group name]

[!/]creategroup Creed

will create a group

Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere

Realm creation

[!/]createrealm [realm name]

[!/]createrealm Creeds

will create a realm

Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere

###Add or remove realms

[!/]add realm

This command will add that group

[!/]rem realm

This command will remove that group

###Add or remove groups


This command will add that group


This command will remove that group



Bot will leave that group

###Everything about groups


This command will return everything about that group

[!/]all [group_id]

_Only onwer,admin and sudo users can use this command

Setting description in realm

[!/]setabout [Group_id] [text]

[!/]setabout 123456789 about

This command will set [text] as description of [Group_id]

Setting group name in realm

[!/]setname [Group_id] [text]

[!/]setname 123456789 Creed

This command will set [text] as name of [Group_id]

Setting rules in realm

[!/]setrules [Group_id] [text]

[!/]setrules 123456789 rules !

This command will set [text] as rules of [Group_id]

Lock groups name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link in realm

[!/]lock [Group_id] [name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link]

[!/]lock 123456789 name

This command will lock name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link of [Group_id]

Unlock groups name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link

[!/]Unlock [Group_id] [name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link]

[!/]Unlock 123456789 name

This command will unlock name|flood|photo|member|join|fosh|english|link of [Group_id]

Group setting in realm

[!/]setting [Group_id]

[!/]setting 12345678

This command will return settings of [Group_id]

Add admin

[!/]addadmin [username]

[!/]addadmin @username

This command will add username as admin

Only works in realms

Remove admin

[!/]removeadmin [username]

[!/]removeadmin [username]

[!/]removeadmin @username

This command will add username as admin

Only works in realms [username]

Admins|group list in realm

[!/]ist [admins|groups]

[!/]list groups

This command will return admins|groups list


[!/]broadcast [text]

[!/]broadcast Hello !

This command will send text to all groups

Only sudo users can run this command

/br [group_id] [text]

/br 123456789 Hello !

This command will send text to [group_id]

##Global ban commands

[!/]banall [id]

[!/]banall 123456789

This commands will globally ban [id] [!/]unbanall [id] [!/]unbanall 123456789 This commands will remove [id] from global bans


This command will return global bans ids

[!/]banlist [group_id]

[!/]banlist 123456789

This command will return banned user Of [group_id]

Set group owner

[!/]setgpowner [group_id] [User_id]

[!/]setgpowner 123456789 987654321

This command will set [User_id] as the owner of [group_id]

Bot stats

[!/]stats creedbot

This command will return bot stats

Realm Help


Get realm commands list

owners and mods commands

Sudo users and admins can also use this commands in all groups


[!/]kick [username|id]

[!/]kick @useranme [!/]kick 123456789

This command will remove that user

[!/]ban [username|id]

[!/]ban @username [!/]ban 123456789

this command will ban and remove that user

[!/]unban [id]

[!/]unban 12345678

This command will unban that user


This command will return bans list

group name|member|arabic|flood|bots lock

[!/]lock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]

[!/]lock flood

This command will lock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups

group name|member|arabic|flood|bots unlock

[!/]unlock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]

[!/]unlock flood

This command will unlock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups

Group modlist|rules|about|member clean

[!/]clean [modlist|rules|about|member]

[!/]clean modlist

This command will clean modlist|rules|about|member /clean member will kick all users except owner,admins and bot and it's for owners only

Set groups rules|about

[!/]set [rules|about] [text]

[!/]set rules don't spam!


This command will set [text] as the rules|about of groups

Setting or changing group owner

[!/]setowner [id]

[!/]setowner 123456789

This command will set id as owner of that group

Setting or changing group photo


This command will change or set group photo also locks photo

Changing Group name

[!/]setname [name]

[!/]setname Creed

This command will set [name] as name of groups

Group link


This command will revoke group link


This command will return group link

Promote and demote mods

[!/]promote [username]

[!/]promote @username

This command will promote @username as moderator

[!/]demote [username]

[!/]demote @username

This command will demote @username

Resolve username

[!/]res [username]

[!/]res @username

This command will return info about that username

Flood sensitivity

[!/]setflood [value]

[!/]set flood 15

will set flood sensitivity to [value]

Group rules and about


This command will return group description


This command will return group rules

normal users can use it too

Group settings


This command will return group settings



This command will return group moderators

normal users can use it too





This command will return owners id

Save and get

[!/]save [title] [text]

[!/]save spam Don't spam !

This command will save text as that title

[!/]get [title]

[!/]get spam

This command will return text of that title



This command will return user or group id can be triggered by reply

Normal users can use it

group stats


This command will return group message statistic in a .txt file


This command will return group message statistic

member list


This command will return member list in a .txt file


This command will return member list

Group Help


Get commands list

in private commands

These commands only works in bots private


[!/]owners group_id [kick|ban|unban] user_id

[!/]owners 1234567 kick 1234567


[!/]owners group_id clean [modlist|rules|about]

[!/]owners 1234567 clean modlist

setting flood sensitivity

[!/]owners group_id setflood value

[!/]owners 1234567 setflood 17

lock groups member|name

[!/]owners group_id lock [member|name]

[!/]owners 1234567 lock member

unlock groups member|name

[!/]owner group_id unlock [member|name]

[!/]owners 1234567 unlock name

Group link

[!/]owners group_id get link

[!/]owners 1234567 get link

[!/]owners group_id new link

[!/]owners 1234567 new link

change name|rules|name

[!/]changename [group_id] [name]

[!/]changename 123456789 Creed

[!/]changrules [group_id] [rules]

[!/]changrules 123456789 rules !

/changeabout [group_id] [about]

/changeabout 123456789 about !

Group log

/loggroup [group_id]

/loggroup 123456789


/[!/]oin [group_id]

This command will add user in [group_id]


/[!]google [text[

This command will search About a word from google and gives link


/[!]block user [user id]

This command Blocks The user


/[!]boobs or [!]butts

This command searches boobs and butts Pictures


/[!]gps city,place

THis command Searches about a City and place in there and Shows you on Map


/[!]bin [command]

This plugins Does your commands on Terminal of server but it may be Harmfull for your server

Tag All

/[!]tagall [text]

This Command tags Every one in group and Says your Text at last of the PM


/[!]sms [user id] [text]

This command Sends your text to the user


/[!]text [text]

This command Writes your Test in picture and sends it to you

New plugins BY : @Creed_is_dead


# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, for other OSs check out https://github.com/yagop/telegram-bot/wiki/Installation
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev
# lets install the bot  نحوه نصب ربات : 
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/Creedsteam/creed.git
cd creed
chmod +x launch.sh
./launch.sh install

و الان به آدرس creed/tg/tgl/structures.c  بروید و در لاین 982 تا5 که چهار خط آبی هست رو پاک کنید و هبارت دو جمله پایینی را وارد کرده و بعدا طبق دستورات پیش بروید 
go to creed/tg/tgl/structures.c and in line 983 there is 4 Blue sentences Remove them and put this phrase in the place of those Blues :

case CODE_message_media_unsupported:
M->type = tgl_message_media_unsupported;

then come back to the TG file and type : 
./launch.sh # Enter a phone number & confirmation code.

One command

To install everything in one command on debian-based distros, use: (useful for VPS deployment)


sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev
 && git clone https://github.com/creedsteam/creed && cd creed && chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh install && cd $home $$ cd creed & cd tg && cd tgl  && nano structures.c

then you have to go to the line 983 there is 4 Blue Line you have to delete them and Put this Sentence in there  : 

case CODE_message_media_unsupported:
M->type = tgl_message_media_unsupported;

then press Ctrl + X and press Y then press ENTER to save the file .

then use this commands in terminal Again : 

cd $home && cd creed && cd tg && make && cd $home && cd creed && ./launch.sh

Realm configuration

After you ran bot for first time, go to bot and use !id command

Get your id then, stop bot

open file ./data/config.lua

add your id to the "sudo_users" section in the following format:

  sudo_users = {

then start the bot again