- FiraCode Nerd Font ( as fallback )
- Operator Mono
- Linux (via apt)
- MacOS (via Homebrew)
The setup will install the following tools and configurations:
WezTerm: A GPU-accelerated terminal emulator and multiplexer designed for modern development workflows.
Neovim (Nvim): A highly extensible text editor that inherits from Vim but with additional features and improved performance.
Tmux: A terminal multiplexer that allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed concurrently in a single window.
Homebrew: The package manager for MacOS, used for installing software packages that are not included in the default MacOS distribution.
Snap: The package manager for Linux distributions that support snap packages, providing easy installation and management of software packages.
Zsh: A powerful shell with extensive customization options, often preferred for interactive use due to its advanced features and plugins.
Antigen: A plugin manager for Zsh that enables easy installation and management of Zsh plugins and themes.
Oh-My-Zsh: A community-driven framework for managing Zsh configuration, enhancing its usability with themes, plugins, and more.
Additional tools:
- ripgrep (rg): A fast search tool similar to grep but faster and with a nicer output.
- fd: A simple, fast, and user-friendly alternative to find.
- lazygit: A simple terminal UI for git commands, making git interactions easier and more intuitive.
- bottom: A cross-platform graphical process/system monitor with a customizable interface.
Node.js (via fnm): A version manager for Node.js, configured to install and manage the latest stable version of Node.js for development purposes.
Go (via goenv): A version manager for Go programming language, configured to manage the Go version 1.22 specifically for development needs.
To install these dotfiles on your system, follow these steps:
Backup your existing configuration files (optional but recommended):
mv .zshrc .zshrc.bak mv .bash_profile .bash_profile.bak
Clone the repository into your home directory:
git clone https://github.com/acidiney/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
Navigate to the
directory:cd ~/.dotfiles
Run the installation script:
bash install.sh