This NodeJS app is a simple application example based on the following technologies:
- NodeJS
- Express
- Javascript
- Handlebars
In order to start to work with this application, it is required to create the previous environment file and execute the following command:
$ npm install
$ npm start
In project root directory, it is possible to execute the following scripts:
Runs the src/app.js file in order to run the application in both development adn production mode. It is important to bear in mind that nodeJS is execution engine:
"start": "node src/app.js"
Runs the test files, included below, in order to run the application test.
.spec.js -> Unity Test*
.test.js -> Integration Test
It is important to bear in mind that testing in this repository is implemented by Mocha and Chai-http.
"test": "mocha --timeout 10000 --recursive --exit"
Please, visit Deploy NodeJS App Example in Openshift for more information about App deployment in Openshift.
Asier Cidon