
Simple PHP based password generator with selectable password complexity

Primary LanguageCSS

Password Generator

Simple PHP based password generator.

  • Generates passwords of unlimited length and selectable complexity
  • Includes a basic strength meter.
  • Random background images fading in and out.
  • BeOS style, draggable application window.

All requests against the PHP script are done by AJAX calls. In general JSON is returned.

Testing environment


  • Virtualbox >= 5.2.4
  • Vagrant >= 2.0.1
  • Vagrant Plugins:
    • vagrant-winnfsd # required for nfs shares on Windows
    • vagrant-vbguest # recommended for virtualbox users


  1. git clone https://github.com/acidstout/password_generator.git
  2. cd password_generator
  3. vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
  4. ... wait ...
  5. Open the password generator in your browser:


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