Ubuntu 14.04 Docker image for SwiftPM

  • Clone the repo.

  • Build the image:

      docker build -t swiftpm-docker .
  • Create a shared volume to keep swiftpm builds:

      docker create -v /build --name spm-build swiftpm-docker /bin/true
  • Build (and test) SwiftPM inside the shared volume:

      docker run -itv $(pwd):/swiftpm --volumes-from spm-build swiftpm-docker /swiftpm/Utilities/bootstrap test --build /build
  • Run any other package using previously built SwiftPM:

      docker run -itv $(pwd):/pkg --volumes-from spm-build swiftpm-docker /build/debug/swift-build -C /pkg
  • Delete all containers:

      docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • List images:

      docker images
  • Delete images:

      docker rmi <id>

Note: Add -d to demonize a container, --rm to remove the container on exit.