
Add variety to your builds

MIT LicenseMIT



Diversify is a DenizenScript module that allows Minecraft builders to add variety to their creations.

  • Accessible command tool
  • Uses a Preset Script system
  • Extentable, customizable
  • Efficient and lightweight


This project requires Denizen build 1736 or newer.

In your server folder, navigate to the scripts directory, and clone this repository.

cd plugins/Denizen/scripts
git clone https://github.com/acikek/diversify

Run /ex reload in-game - and that's it!


By Example

To enable Diversify on your user, run /dv, which toggles the building mode. If you try placing blocks, nothing happens yet - don't worry, you need to enable a preset.

To see the list of current presets loaded on the server, run /dv preset list. If you included the example presets, ancient and rainbow, you'll see them and their descriptions included in the displayed list.

To enable a preset, run /dv preset use <name>. Alternatively, click the name of the preset (in yellow) in the list. For this instance, enable the rainbow preset.

Now, start placing some white wool. Every time it gets placed, it should immediately turn into a random colored wool block. Many presets are more complicated than this, though, so if you need to view more information about a preset, run /dv preset info <name>.

If you forget which preset you have enabled, run /dv preset current. If you'd like to disable your current present, run /dv preset off. If you're a server operator, you can reset all Diversify player data with /dv reset, or initialize the reloading process with /dv reload.

To view all the sub-commands and their description, run /dv help!

Custom Presets

All Preset Scripts are data scripts that include the dv_preset key. This map specifies:

  • name: The preset name
  • description: The description (optional)
  • chance: The chance that placed blocks will be modified for this preset (optional, must be an integer from 0-100)
  • blocks: The block data*, with keys acting as the placed block and the values being the new block (must be a map, values can either be elements or lists)

*All keys and values must be valid material names.

Below is a sample Preset Script:

  type: data
    name: Underground
    description: Cave-like generation
    chance: 25
      - coal_ore
      - iron_ore
      - redstone_ore
      - gold_ore
      - diamond_ore
      cobblestone: mossy_cobblestone
      - andesite_slab
      - andesite_stairs

Preset Scripts can be placed anywhere, and they will be loaded in after the server starts or after reloading. Note that each script is run through a strict checker, and any errors with the script will be logged in the console.


All scripts used in this project, apart from dependencies, are prefixed with the dv_ namespace.


  • dv_check_build
  • dv_load_presets
  • dv_reload
  • dv_remove_outdated_flags
  • dv_reset_flags
  • dv_command_presets_single
  • dv_command_presets
  • dv_command_ERR_INVALID_VERSION
  • dv_command_ERR_NO_PRESET
  • dv_command_ERR_NOT_OP


  • dv_check_preset
  • dv_invalid_mat
  • dv_pass
  • dv_percentage_chance
  • dv_command_tab_complete_preset


  • dv_command



  • dv_help
  • dv_info
  • dv_command_tab_complete

Preset Examples:

  • dv_preset_ancient
  • dv_preset_rainbow


  • dv_diversify
  • dv_on_load
