An Ansible Role for setup a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS.
Basic configuration of hostname, locales, timezone, keyboard, network and WiFi. Package installation. Configuration of /boot/config.txt file.
This role uses Ansible's json_query filter that requires JMESPath to be installed on the control node.
Variables are listed below along with default values:
Variable | Default value | Description/Comment |
raspberry_pi_locale | en_GB.UTF-8 | Locale. See /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED for full supported list |
raspberry_pi_timezone | Europe/London | Time zone. Complete list here |
raspberry_pi_keyboard_layout | gb | Keyboard layout |
raspberry_pi_hostname | raspberrypi | Hostname of your Pi |
raspberry_pi_configure_network | false | Wheter or not to configure the network manually |
raspberry_pi_ip_address | IP address of the Pi. Use CIDR notation. Required when raspberry_pi_configure_network is true | |
raspberry_pi_routers | Default Gateaway of the network. Required when raspberry_pi_configure_network is true | |
raspberry_pi_dns_servers | List of DNS servers to use. Required when raspberry_pi_configure_network is true | |
raspberry_pi_use_wifi | false | Use Wi-Fi instead of wired connection |
raspberry_pi_wifi_country | ISO/IEC alpha2 country code. Complete list here. Required if you're using a RPi 3 B+ or Higher. | |
raspberry_pi_wifi_ssid | Wi-Fi SSID. Required when raspberry_pi_use_wifi is true | |
raspberry_pi_wifi_password | Wi-Fi password. Do not set or leave as an empty string if the Wi-Fi network doesn't have a passphrase | |
raspberry_pi_upgrade_system | true | Whether or not to upgrade the system. |
raspberry_pi_packages | see below | List of packages to install |
raspberry_pi_config_options | [ ] | List of options to configure on /boot/config.txt file (see more details below) |
The default values are the same used by a fresh install of Raspbian OS. Keyboard model is assumed to be "pc105" with "guess" backspace (check keyboard(5) man pages for more information).
Default packages: apt-transport-https, build-essential, curl, dnsutils, git, htop, lm-sensors, lshw, rsync, screen, unzip, vim.
As of version 1.2 it's possible to configure your Raspberry Pi's /boot/config.txt
file using the raspberry_pi_config_options
- option: arm_freq
value: 900
- option: hdmi_mode
value: 1
- option: dtoverlay
regexp: dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17
value: gpio-ir,gpio_pin=18
For each element specify the corresponding option
and value
. The option will be uncommented if necessary and replaced with the new value. If the option is not found in the file, it will be added at the end of it. A third attribute regexp
is available when an option can be declared multiple times and the search and replace process becomes ambiguous (e.g. "dtoverlay"). In the example above, regexp is used to match the exact line to replace. Any string or regular expression can be used, keep in mind that it will be prefixed with the regex "^[#\s]*".
Note that options' names and values are NOT validated. Check out the official documentation for a correct configuration of your Pi.
With a Raspberry Pi with SSH enabled and default pi user you could use this sample playbook:
- hosts: my_rpi
become: true
remote_user: pi
- acimadamore.raspberry_pi
This playbook will only upgrade the system and install the default packages.
A full example:
- hosts: my_raspberry_pi
become: true
remote_user: pi
raspberry_pi_locale: es_AR.UTF-8
raspberry_pi_timezone: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
raspberry_pi_keyboard_layout: es
raspberry_pi_hostname: my-home-pie
raspberry_pi_configure_network: yes
raspberry_pi_dns_servers: [,]
raspberry_pi_use_wifi: true
raspberry_pi_wifi_country: AR
raspberry_pi_wifi_ssid: myHomeWiFiNetwork
raspberry_pi_wifi_password: someWifiPassword
- git
- vim
- option: dtoverlay
value: gpio-ir,gpio_pin=10
- option: dtoverlay
regexp: dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d
value: vc5-kms-v4d
- option: otg_mode
value: 2
- acimadamore.raspberry_pi