
Hi there, this is the source of my video series on youtube on full stack web development using node framework adonis.js and nuxt. It's a really code tech stack which you can use in your real life bigger projects. Watch the full play lists from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI6ueunbf2c&list=PLKpfEl4N7tRpd-miwNBGZpi5pn1Qi6Llo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AdonisJS + Nuxt.js = 🔥


This is a project template for adonis-cli.

adonis new --blueprint nuxt-community/adonuxt-template <project-name>

Make sure to use a version of adonis-cli >= 2.1.8 (adonis --version).


Command Description
npm run dev Start AdonisJS server in development with Nuxt.js in dev mode (hot reloading). Listen on http://localhost:3000.
npm run build Build your nuxt.js web application for production.
npm start Start AdonisJS server in production.
npm lint Lint your code with ESLint and Standard.


See AdonisJS features and Nuxt.js features.

AdonisJS Changes

  • No more public directory, use resources/static/ instead.
  • No more resources/views directory.

Nuxt.js Changes

  • The nuxt.config.js file is now in config/nuxt.js.
  • The Nuxt project directory is resources.

Live Demo


This demo has been deployed to now.sh with the single command: now

