
CTFCup 2020 AD. Developed with ♥ by Hackerdom team

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

CTF Cup 2020 (A/D part)

The contest is driven by classic rules (Attack-Defense CTF). Each team is given a set of vulnerable services. Organizers regulary fill services with private information — the flags. The goal of each team is to find vulnerabilities, fix them in their services and exploit them in order to get flags from other teams.


Infrastucture admin: @xelez
"Cubic" service: @1MiKHalyCH1
"QExecute" service: @capitanbanana
Team lead & "ChessBase" service: @rx00

Final scoreboard


CTF Cup 2020 (A/D part) was held on December 5, 2020.
Copyright (C) 2020 HackerDom