
Challenge resolution for YOC company.

Primary LanguageHTML

YOC Test: React Component For A Video Advertisement


In this project the videoAd component displays a video advertisement on a web page. The video is initially paused and the sound is turned off. When the video is at least 50% visible the play event is triggered.

While the video is playing, several messages are displayed in the console.log of the browser. The intention of these messages is to alert the user when the video has started and how much percent of the video has been played. Also, after 2 seconds a message appears alerting that the video is now considered viewable according to IAB/MRC.


For instalation, please download or clone the project to your local git repository. Initialize Visual Studio Code and open the folder where the project is hold. Install the dependencies by using the command below.

npm install

Use command below to run the app in the development mode .
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm start

Browser Compatibility

The project was tested using Android and Galasy S5 dimensions on Google Chrome browser.

Intersection Observer

To determine when the video advertisement was in the viewport with at least 50% threshold the IntersectionObserver API was used. For more information about the IntersectionObserver API please visit https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API.


The Cypress testing framework was used for testing. The tests were made based on the main functionalities in order to guarantee they were working correctly. The main functionalities are: the messages on the browser output and the intersection with the video.