
Highlight lines of program output based on the latency between them

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Highlight lines of program output based on the latency between them

screenshot with hts showing latency for a demo program

Getting started

Homebrew (recommended)

brew install acj/taps/hts

From source

You'll need a Rust toolchain. Clone this repository, and then:

cargo build


Usage: hts [OPTIONS]

  -d, --debug                        Turn debugging information on
  -n, --no-echo                      Do not echo lines of input as they arrive; show highlighted output after the command finishes
  -m, --min-latency <MIN_LATENCY>    Don't highlight lines with latency below this threshold [default: 1ms]
  -l, --latency-unit <LATENCY_UNIT>  Show the latency between lines in the given unit. Valid units are ns, us, ms, s, m, h, d [default: ms]
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version

Try piping a command into hts:

ping google.com -c 4 | hts

If you built hts from source, try it again with highlighting:

cargo clean && cargo build 2>&1 | hts