
No place like $HOME

Primary LanguageShell


git clone --recursive https://github.com/acjordan2/dotfiles

This will pull the following submodules:

Running ./setup-symlink.sh will create relative symlinks in your home directory for anything relevant. This is safe to run multiple times and will prompt about anything unclear.


Run vim +PlugInstall to install all missing plugins.

When present, vim is symlinked to nvim.

Some vim plugins require the following dependencies:

  • FZF for fuzzy file searching
  • nodejs, used by coc.vim for code completion
  • ctags, used by gutentags for function calls and var listings


The Firefox profile included disables telemetry and does some basic browser hardening. It is mostly copied from https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/blob/master/user.js, with some usability tweaks.

Other Notes


  • By default everything will run in tmux if available unless connected via an SSH session.
  • tmux is not aliased to use the config file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which means running tmux directly will use $HOME/.tmux.conf
  • All utils use the XDG base dir spec when possbile.
  • Using a recent version of ZSH (5.7+) is recommended
