
ScaleIO ansible playbooks

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


ansible-scaleio is a way to manage ScaleIO through Ansible.


ansible-scaleio let's you do the following with Ansible (version 2 is supported) and ScaleIO:

  • Install ScaleIO

  • Configure the different roles:

    • mdm
    • sds
    • tb
    • lia
    • callhome (for version 1.3x only)
    • gateway (to be used for API gateway mainly)
    • sdc
    • gui
  • For the sds you can setup different type of storage.

Important: master is tracking with ScaleIO 2.0 and up, for ScaleIO 1.3x use tag v1.3 of this repository, no further development on the 1.3x version of ScaleIO will be performed.


To install ansible-scaleio just clone the repo and see site.yml as a generic playbook. If you are using Vagrant you can actually use the Vagrantfile in the appropriate tests folder to launch an environment to play with.


  • Hosts should be bootstrapped for ansible usage (have python,...)
  • Root privileges, eg become: yes

Role Variables

Some required variables are set in site.yml so please check then out, they mainly relates to your network setup and node naming.

Variable Description Default value
scaleio_mdm_primary_ip Primary MDM IP addresses (can be comma separated) {{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][0]]['ansible_'+scaleio_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_primary_hostname Primary MDM hostname "{{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][0]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_secondary_ip Secondary MDM IP addresses (can be comma separated) {{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][1]]['ansible_'+scaleio_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_secondary_hostname Secondary MDM hostname "{{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][1]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_tertiary_ip Tertiary MDM IP addresses (can be comma separated), if 5_node mode {{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][2]]['ansible_'+scaleio_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_tertiary_hostname Tertiary MDM hostname "{{ hostvars[groups['mdm'][2]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
scaleio_tb_primary_ip Primary TB IP addresses (can be comma separated) {{ hostvars[groups['tb'][0]]['ansible_'+scaleio_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
scaleio_tb_primary_hostname Primary TB hostname "{{ hostvars[groups['tb'][0]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
scaleio_tb_secondary_ip Secondary TB IP addresses (can be comma separated), if 5_node mode {{ hostvars[groups['tb'][1]]['ansible_'+scaleio_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
scaleio_tb_secondary_hostname Secondary TB hostname "{{ hostvars[groups['tb'][1]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
scaleio_mdm_ips List of MDM IP's, depends on 3_node or 5_node mode "{{ scaleio_mdm_secondary_ip }},{{scaleio_mdm_primary_ip}}" or {{ scaleio_mdm_secondary_ip }},{{scaleio_mdm_primary_ip}},{{scaleio_mdm_tertiary_ip}

The variables below are defined in the group_vars/all file but could be specified in other YAML file and load at run time.

Variable Description Default value
scaleio_license Not in use currently ``
scaleio_protection_domain Protection domain name protection_domain1
scaleio_cluster_name Cluster name cluster1
scaleio_storage_pool Storage pool name pool1
scaleio_cluster_mode Cluster mode, can be 3_node or 5_node "5_node"
scaleio_interface Interface for ScaleIO, used if you do use site.yml eth1
scaleio_password Password for the admin user Cluster1!
scaleio_common_file_install_file_location Where are the files that will need to be installed ../files
scaleio_gateway_admin_password Admin password for the gateway 'Cluster1!'
scaleio_gateway_is_redundant Is the gateway redundant (will install keepalived) 'false'
scaleio_gateway_virtual_ip Virtual IP if redundant `` ''
scaleio_gateway_virtual_interface Interface to attach the virtual ip 'eth1'
scaleio_lia_token Lia password for node management 'Cluster1!'
scaleio_lia_conf_file Lia configuration file to set the password '/opt/emc/scaleio/lia/cfg/conf.txt'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_address Repository address for the kernel modules 'ftp://ftp.emc.com/'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_user Username for the repository 'QNzgdxXix'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_password Password for the repository 'Aw3wFAwAq3'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_local_dir Local cache of the repository '/bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/driver_cache/'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_user_private_rsa_key_src Private ssh rsa key source (if using sftp protocol) ''
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_user_private_rsa_key_dest Private ssh rsa key destination '/bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/scini_key'
#scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_public_rsa_key_src Public ssh rsa key source (if using sftp protocol) ''
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_repo_public_rsa_key_dest Private ssh rsa key destination '/bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/scini_repo_key.pub'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_module_sigcheck Do we check the signature 1
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_emc_public_gpg_key_src Where is the signature file "{{ scaleio_common_file_install_file_location }}/files/RPM-GPG-KEY-ScaleIO_2.0.5014.0"
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_emc_public_gpg_key_dest Where to put the signature file '/bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/emc_key.pub'
scaleio_sdc_driver_sync_sync_pattern Repo sync pattern .*
scaleio_sds_number Number of SDS to run on the sds's 1
scaleio_sds_disks Disk to use, if this variable is not defined, the system will use roles/sds/library/disk_facts.py { ansible_available_disks: ['/home/vagrant/scaleio1'] }
scaleio_skip_java Skip Java installation for ScaleIO (assume it's on the system) false

Usage Instructions

Customize the roles and playbooks to your environment, you can use this to either to install ScaleIO or just enable the different modules on the nodes.

  ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml


  • Extend to do more special setup with cache
  • Clean up the code (always more cleanup)
  • Upgrade between ScaleIO releases.


ansible-scaleio was created by Sebastien Perreault and is in part sponsored by EMC


Create a fork of the project into your own repository. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code. If approved, project owners will merge it.


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) [2015], [EMC Corporation)] Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


Please file bugs and issues at the Github issues page. For more general discussions you can contact the EMC Code team at Google Groups or tagged with EMC on Stackoverflow.com. The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.