
Ansible modules to support CenturyLink Cloud platform.

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status


NEW! Dynamic Inventory Script

These are additional, unofficial Ansible modules for managing CenturyLink Cloud.


sudo pip install clc-ansible-module

To use this, add the python dist/site-packages directory to to the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable, or symlink this directory to ./library underneath the directory containing the playbook that needs it.

The installation will install a dynamic inventory script to /usr/local/bin. In order to use the script you will need to fully reference the clc_inv.py script with each Ansible command. You can avoid having to enter in this script for each command by creating a symlink in /etc/ansible to this script as such:

ln -s /usr/local/bin/clc_inv.py /etc/ansible/hosts

####Validation Validate that the clc-ansible-module package has been installed and is functioning:

ansible all -i /usr/local/bin/clc_inv.py --list-hosts

Validate that all packages are install and configured: ``` ansible-playbook -i /usr/local/bin/clc_inv.py my-playbook.yml ```

####Dependencies This module has one dependency The clc-python-sdk. You can install it with pip

sudo pip install clc-sdk


In order to use these playbooks, you must set the following environment variables:

export CLC_V2_API_USERNAME=<your Control Portal Username>
export CLC_V2_API_PASSWD=<your Control Portal Password>

clc_server Module

Create, delete, start, or stop a server at CLC. This module can be run in two modes: idempotent and non-idempotent. The module is idempotent if you specify the exact_count and count_group parameters. In that case, it will create or delete the right number of servers to make sure that the number of running VMs in the count_group Server Group matches the number specified by the exact_count param.

If you just specify count instead of exact_count, the module runs in non-idempotent mode. It will create count number of VMs every time it's run.

###Example Playbooks

- name: deploy ubuntu hosts at CLC (Yay!)
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Insure that exactly 3 Ubuntu servers are running in Default Group
        name: test
        template: ubuntu-14-64
        exact_count: 3
        count_group: 'Default Group'
      register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc.server_ids
- name: deploy ubuntu hosts at CLC (Yay!)
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Deploy 3 new Ubuntu VMs to Default Group
        name: test
        template: ubuntu-14-64
        count: 3
        group: 'Default Group'
       register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc.server_ids
- name: Create a Linux Server with 3 GBs of app space
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create Server
        name: test
        template: ubuntu-14-64
        count: 1
        group: 'Default Group'
          - {path: /myApp, sizeGB: 3, type: partitioned}
      register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc
- name: Sample playbook which executes a blueprint package post build.
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create Server
        name: test
        description: 'Test Server'
        template: WIN2012R2DTC-64
        group: 'Default Group'
        count: 1
        cpu: 2
        memory: 4
          - {path: e, sizeGB: 100, type: partitioned}
          - { packageId: '98d7cb38-41ae-41de-b3e4-9967be006f6c', parameters: {} }
      register: clc_svr
    - debug: var=clc_svr

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
additional_disks: N Specify additional disks for the server.
alias: N Username's Alias The account alias to provision the servers under. If an alias is not provided, it will use the account alias of whatever api credentials are provided
anti_affinity_policy_id: N The anti-affinity policy id to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with anti_affinity_policy_name:
anti_affinity_policy_name: N The anti-affinity policy name to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with anti_affinity_policy_id:
alert_policy_id: N The alert policy id to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with alert_policy_name:
alert_policy_name: N The alert policy name to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with alert_policy_id:
count: N The number of servers to build (mutually exclusive with exact_count:
count_group: N Required when exact_count: is specified. The Server Group use to determine how many severs to deploy.
cpu: N 1 How many CPUs to provision on the server
cpu_autoscale_policy_id: N The autoscale policy to assign to the server.
custom_fields: N A dictionary of custom fields to set on the server.
description: N Set to name: if not provided The description to set for the server
exact_count: N Run in idempotent mode. Will insure that this exact number of servers are running in the provided group, creating and deleting them to reach that count. Requires count_group: to be set.
group: N 'Default Group' The Server Group to create servers under.
ip_address: N Provided by the platform it not set The IP Address for the server. One is assigned if not provided.
location: N Defaults to the default datacenter for the account The Datacenter to create servers in.
managed_os: N N Whether to create the server as 'Managed' or not.
memory: N 1 Any valid int value Memory in GB.
name: Y A 1 - 6 character identifier to use for the server.
network_id: N The first vlan in the datacenter under that account The text vlan identifier on which to create the servers. Defaults if not provided.
packages: N Blueprints to run on the created server. Make reference to the Blueprint ID and not the name.
password: N Generated if not provided Password for the administrator user. This password must be at least 3 of the 4 standard items. Upper case, Lower Case, Numbers, and Special Characters (Some special characters may have issues. This needs to be tested.)
primary_dns: N Provided by the platform if not included. Primary DNS used by the server.
secondary_dns: N Provided by the platform if not included. Secondary DNS used by the server.
server_ids: Y (for some states) Required for started, stopped, and absent states. A list of server Ids to insure are started, stopped, or absent.
source_server_password: N The password for the source server if a clone is specified
state: Y present, started, stopped, absent The state to insure that the provided resources are in.
storage_type: N standard standard, ssd The type of storage to attach to the server.
template: Y any valid template The template to user for server creation. Will search for a template if a partial string is provided. Example: ubuntu-14-64 will build an Ubuntu 14.04 64bit server.
ttl: N Any valid int > 3600 The time to live for the server. The server will be deleted when this expires.
type: N standard standard, hyperscale, bareMetal The type of server to create.
configuration_id: N The identifier for the specific configuration type of bare metal server to deploy.
os_type: N redHat6_64Bit, centOS6_64Bit, windows2012R2Standard_64Bit, ubuntu14_64Bit The OS to provision with the bare metal server.
v2_api_username: N The control portal user to use for the task. This should be provided by setting environment variables instead of including it in the playbook.
v2_api_passwd: N The control portal password to use for the task. This should be provided by setting environment variables instead of including it in the playbook.
wait: N True Boolean Whether to wait for the provisioning tasks to finish before returning.

clc_modify_server Module

This module can be used to modify server configuration in CLC.

###Example Playbook

- name: modify clc server example
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Modify CPU and Memory of two servers at CLC
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        cpu: 2
        memory: 4
        wait: True
        state: present
      register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc.server_ids
- name: modify clc server example
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Modify Memory of a server at CLC
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
        memory: 8
        wait: True
        state: present
      register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc.server_ids
- name: modify clc server example
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Modify anti affinity policy of a hyper scale server at CLC
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
        anti_affinity_policy_name: 'aa_policy'
        wait: True
        state: present
      register: clc
    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc.server_ids
- name: modify clc server example
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: add alert policy of a server at CLC
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
        alert_policy_name: 'alert_policy'
        state: present
- name: modify clc server example - add nic
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: add secondary nic
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
        additional_network: '613a25aff2124d10a71b16cd6fb28975'

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
server_ids: Y The lis of servers to be modified.
cpu: N valid int value How many CPUs to set on the server.
memory: N valid int value Memory in GB.
additional_network: N ID or Name of network for an additional nic to be added.
anti_affinity_policy_id: N The anti-affinity policy id to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with anti_affinity_policy_name:
anti_affinity_policy_name: N The anti-affinity policy name to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with anti_affinity_policy_id:
alert_policy_id: N The alert policy id to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with alert_policy_name:
alert_policy_name: N The alert policy name to assign to the server. This is mutually exclusive with alert_policy_id:
state: Y present present The state to insure that the provided resources are in. absent state is not supported for cpu and memory parameters
v2_api_username: N The control portal user to use for the task. This should be provided by setting environment variables instead of including it in the playbook.
v2_api_passwd: N The control portal password to use for the task. This should be provided by setting environment variables instead of including it in the playbook.
wait: N True Boolean Whether to wait for the provisioning tasks to finish before returning.

clc_server_fact Module

Retrieve facts about servers in Centurylink Cloud.

###Example Playbook

- name: Retrieve Server Facts
    server_id: UC1ACCTSRVR10
- name: Retrieve Server Facts With Credentials
    server_id: UC1ACCTSRVR10
    credentials: true

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
server_id Y The server id to retrieve facts for.
credentials N False False, True Indicates if the server credentials should be returned in the facts.

clc_group Module

Create or deletes Server Groups at CenturyLink Cloud.

###Example Playbook

- name: Create Server Group
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create / Verify a Server Group at CenturyLink Cloud
        name: 'My Cool Server Group'
        parent: 'Default Group'
        state: present
      register: clc

    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc
- name: Delete Server Group
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Delete / Verify Absent a Server Group at CenturyLink Cloud
        name: 'My Cool Server Group'
        parent: 'Default Group'
        state: absent
      register: clc

    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
name: Y The Name of the Server Group
description: N none A description of the Server Group
parent: N top level The parent group of the server group
location: N the default datcenter associated with the account Datacenter to create the group in
state: N present present, absent Whether to create or delete the group

clc_group_fact Module

Retrieve facts about groups in Centurylink Cloud.

###Example Playbook

- name: Retrieve Group Facts
    group_id: 31d13f501459411ba59304f3d47486eb

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
group_id Y The group id to retrieve facts for.

clc_aa_policy Module

Create or deletes Anti Affinity Policities at CenturyLink Cloud.

###Example Playbook

- name: Create AA Policy
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create an Anti Affinity Policy
        name: 'Hammer Time'
        location: 'UK3'
        state: present
      register: policy

    - name: debug
      debug: var=policy
- name: Delete AA Policy
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Delete an Anti Affinity Policy
        name: 'Hammer Time'
        location: 'UK3'
        state: absent
      register: policy

    - name: debug
      debug: var=policy

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
name: Y The Name of the Anti Affinity Policy
location: Y Datacenter in which the policy lives/should live
state: N present present, absent Whether to create or delete the policy

clc_publicip Module

Creates a public ip on an existing server or servers.

Example Playbook

- name: Add Public IP to Server
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create Public IP For Servers
        protocol: 'TCP'
            - 80
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        state: present
      register: clc

    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc
- name: Delete Public IP from Server
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create Public IP For Servers
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        state: absent
      register: clc

    - name: debug
      debug: var=clc

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
protocol: N TCP The Protocol that the public IP will listen for
ports: Y A list of ports to expose
server_ids: Y A list of servers to create public ips on.
source_restrictions: N A list of IP range allowed to access the public IP which is specified using CIDR notation.
state: N present present,absent Determine whether to create or delete public IPs. If present module will not create a second public ip if one already exists.
wait: N True Boolean Whether to wait for the tasks to finish before returning.

clc_server_snapshot Module

Create/Delete/Restore a snapshot on an existing server or servers.

Example Playbook

- name: Create a snapshot on a set of servers
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create server snapshot
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        expiration_days: 1
        wait: True
        state: present
- name: Restore a snapshot on a set of servers
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Restore server snapshot
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        wait: True
        state: restore
- name: Delete a snapshot on a set of servers
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Delete server snapshot
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        wait: True
        state: absent

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
server_ids: Y A list of servers to create public ips on.
expiration_days: N 7 Take a Hypervisor level snapshot retained for between 1 and 10 days (7 is default). Currently only one snapshop may exist at a time, thus will delete snapshots if one already exists before taking this snapshot.
state: N present present,absent,restore Determine whether to create or delete or restore snapshots. If present module will not create a second snapshot if one already exists.
wait: N True Boolean Whether to wait for the tasks to finish before returning.

clc_blueprint_package Module

Executes a blue print package on existing set of servers.

Example Playbook

- name: Install a blue print package on set of servers
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create server snapshot
            - UC1ACCTSRVR01
            - UC1ACCTSRVR02
        package_id: 77abb844-579d-478d-3955-c69ab4a7ba1a
        package_params: {}

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
server_ids: Y A list of servers to deploy blue print package on.
package_id: Y The package id which needs to be deployed
package_params: N {} The arguments required for the package execution.
state: N present present If present module will deploy the package.
wait: N True Boolean Whether to wait for the tasks to finish before returning.

clc_loadbalancer Module

Create/Delete a loadbalancer

Example Playbook

- name: Create Loadbalancer
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Create Loadbalancer
        name: test3
        description: test3
        alias: WFAD
        location: WA1
        port: 443
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
        state: present
- name: Delete LoadbalancerPool
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Delete Loadbalancer Pool
        name: test3
        description: test3
        alias: WFAD
        location: WA1
        port: 443
        state: port_absent
- name: Add nodes to an existing loadbalancer pool
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Add nodes to pool
        name: test3
        description: test3
        alias: WFAD
        location: WA1
        port: 443
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
        state: nodes_present
- name: Remove nodes from an existing loadbalancer pool
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Remove nodes from pool
        name: test3
        description: test3
        alias: WFAD
        location: WA1
        port: 443
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
          - { 'ipAddress': '', 'privatePort': 80 }
        state: nodes_absent
- name: Delete Loadbalancer
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Delete Loadbalanacer
        name: test3
        alias: WFAD
        location: WA1
        state: absent

Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
name: Y The name of the loadbalancer
description N A description for the loadbalancer
alias Y Your CLC Account Alias
location Y The datacenter your loadbalancer resides in
port N 80, 443 The port for your loadbalancer pool
method N roundRobin roundRobin, sticky The loadbalancing method you want to use
persistence N standard standard, sticky The loadbalancing persistence you want to use
nodes N A list of nodes you want your loadbalancer to send traffic to
status N enabled enabled, disabled The status of your loadbalancer
state N present present, absent, port_absent, nodes_present, nodes_absent Determine whether to create or delete your loadbalancer. If present module will not create another loadbalancer with the same name. If absent module will delete the entire loadbalancer. If port_absent module will delete the loadbalancer port and associated nodes only. If nodes_present module will ensure the provided nodes are added to the load balancer pool. If nodes_absent module will ensure the provided nodes are removed from the load balancer pool.

clc_alert_policy Module

Create/Update/Delete an alert policy in CLC

Example Playbook

- name: Create alert policy example
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Create alert policy on disk
        alias: wfad
        name: testalert
            - test1@centurylink.com
            - test2@centurylink.com
        metric: 'disk'
        duration: '00:05:00'
        threshold: 80
        state: present
- name: Delete alert policy example
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Delete alert policy
        alias: wfad
        name: testalert
        state: absent
      register: clc

Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
name: N The name of the alert policy. This is mutually exclusive with id. this is required with state is present
id N The alert policy id. This is mutually exclusive with name.
alias Y The CLC Account Alias
alert_recipients N A list of email ids to send alert notification. This is required when state is present
metric N cpu, memory, disk The metric on which to measure the condition that will trigger the alert. This is required when state is present
duration N The length of time in minutes that the condition must exceed the threshold. This is required when state is present
threshold N The threshold that will trigger the alert when the metric equals or exceeds it. This number represents a percentage and must be a value between 5.0 - 95.0 that is a multiple of 5.0. This is required when state is present
state N present present, absent Determine whether to create or delete alert policy. If present module will not create another alert policy with the same name. If absent module will delete the alert policy.

clc_firewall_policy Module

Create/Delete a Firewall Policy

Example Playbook

- name: Create Firewall Policy
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create / Verify an Firewall Policy at CenturyLink Cloud
        source_account_alias: WFAD
        location: VA1
        state: present
        source: ['']
        destination: [']
        ports: ['any']
        destination_account_alias: WFAD
- name: Delete Firewall Policy
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Delete an Firewall Policy at CenturyLink Cloud
        source_account_alias: WFAD
        location: VA1
        state: absent
        firewall_policy_id: 'c62105233d7a4231bd2e91b9c791eaae'

Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
location Y Target datacenter for the firewall policy
ports N any, icmp, TCP/123, UDP/123, TCP/123-456, UDP/123-456' types of ports associated with the policy. TCP & UDP can take in single ports or port ranges.
source For Create Source addresses for traffic on the originating firewall
destination For Create Destination addresses for traffic on the terminating firewall
source_account_alias Y CLC alias for the source account
destination_account_alias N CLC alias for the destination account
firewall_policy_id N Id of the firewall policy
wait N True True, False Whether to wait for the provisioning tasks to finish before returning.
state Y present present, absent Whether to create or delete the firewall policy
enabled N True True, False If the firewall policy is enabled or disabled

clc_network Module

Create or delete Network at CenturyLink Cloud.

###Example Playbook

- name: Create Network
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Create and update a new network
        location: 'ut1'
        state: present
        name: 'ProdNet5000'
        description: 'Production Minecraft'
      register: net

    - debug: var=net
- name: Delete Network
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Delete-ification
        location: 'ut1'
        state: absent
        id: 'vlan_1306_10.81.206'
      register: net

    - debug: var=net

###Available Parameters

Parameter Required Default Choices Description
description N Description for the network
id N Identifier for network to be updated/deleted. This is required when state is 'absent'. This is used to find an existing network when state is 'present' and takes precedence over name. The id field can be the network id, network name, or network vlan.
location Y Datacenter in which the network lives
name N The Name of the network. This is used to find an existing network when state is 'present'; if not found, the claimed network is given this name.
state N present present, absent Whether to claim or release the network
wait N True True, False Whether to wait for network create to complete

Dynamic Inventory Script

Scans all datacenters and returns an inventory of servers and server groups to Ansible. This script returns all information about hosts in the inventory _meta dictionary.

The following information is returned for each host:

hostvar Description
ansible_ssh_host Set to the first internal ip address
clc_custom_fields A dictionary of custom fields set on the server in the Control Portal
clc_data A dictionary of all the data returned by the API


Command Line:

ansible all -i inventory/clc_inv.py -m ping

Access the CLC hostvars from a play defined in yaml:

- name: Read Hostvars for Servers
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Print PowerState returned by Dynamic Inventory / CLC API
      debug: msg="PowerState={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['clc_data']['details']['powerState'] }}"

Working with the source code

Our recommended approach to working with the clc-ansible-module code base is to create a virtual environment and working with the code from within that environment. The steps below outline the actiions necessary to get a functional development environment up and running.

Create a virtual environment

  • move to your normal development space on your system. We will be creating our virtual environment in this location.
  • Execute:virtualenv clc-ansible-module
  • Make the virutual environment active:. ./clc-ansible-module/bin/activate

Install necessary dependencies

  • pip install nose
  • pip install coverage
  • pip install pybuilder==0.10.63
  • pip install mock
  • pip install xmlrunner
  • pip install ansible
  • pip install clc_sdk=2.44

Last minute updates to your environment

Update your active PATH with reference some binaries we just installed.

export PATH='pwd'/clc-ansible-module/bin:$PATH

Get the project

  • cd clc-ansible-module
  • mkdir workspace
  • cd workspace
  • git clone https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/clc-ansible-module.git
  • cd clc-ansible-module

Build the project

  • mvn clean install
    • This step isn't required to build the module set. It's primarily used to help the Runner team manage changes and releases.
  • pyb -v

Submitting Changes

#####PR's are welcome!

Please create an Issue in Github against the project prior to doing any custom work or submitting a PR.

All changes must be submitted as PR's against the Develop branch (Github Pull Requests). - git checkout develop

Please create one PR for each change. Please keep the change small and specific.