Hello! My name is H.E. Pennypacker. I'm an eccentric venture capitalist with a keen eye for business. I have an idea to make money off of all this panic about the current global health crisis but I need your help. Since people can't get out of their homes to go shopping, my store needs to be 100% online. I have the inventory and delivery infrastructure in place -- I just need a store!

And that's where you come in!

I would like an online store with the following functionality:

  • users can see my inventory
  • they can add items to their cart
  • users can see their cart on the side of the screen
  • it should look enticing and appealing

To help you in completing H.E. Pennypacker's store you have been given a blank create-react-app with a server file already created and a json file for his inventory. Here's what you need to complete his store:

Step 1: Finish configuring his basic store

  • complete setting up server/index.js with express
    • run npm i express
    • bring in express using the require key word
    • put your top level middleware in place using app.use(express.json())
    • Set up your server to listen to port 4000
      • Note: your server has already been connected to your front end so it's crucial that your server runs on port 4000
    • run nodemon in your terminal to check if your server is running correctly

Step 2: Write the following end points

  • an app.get('/api/getInventory') with a handler that sends back the entire inventory
    • Remember! If you don't include res.status(200).send(whateverYouAreSending) you won't actually be sending anything to your front end

Step 3: Design and create a front-end

  • install axios using npm i axios
  • Let your creativity go wild! Create a website worthy of H.E. Pennypacker's eccentricity, wealth, and greed. Some guidelines you should follow:
    • consider creating a visual sketch of how you want the website to look when you're done. Which components should have state? Or, in other words, which components should hold any kind of data? (Hint: Whichever component is holding the data from your server should have some state).
    • create your component files in the src/components/ folder
    • remember that in order to retrieve your data from the server you need to do an axios.get call that should look something like this:
        // What always follows an axios call? Hint: We get a *response* from our promise. Once we get a response, what do we do **THEN**?
    • it's crucial that the endpoint inside your axios.get matches the corresponding endpoint on your server like in my examples.
    • since Mr. Pennypacker wants his users to have a visible cart, you can store this temporarily in state for now

Other tips!

  • consult ALL previous lecture notes, minis, and afternoons
  • consult Google
  • consult Mentors/Instructor if you get stuck
  • stay positive!

BLACK DIAMOND - move your users cart from the front end to the backend where it persists as long as the server doesn't refresh - write an app.post endpoint for clients to add items to their cart - write an additional app.get for clients to see what's in their cart on the server - write an app.put that allows users to update the quantity in their cart - write an app.delete that allows users to remove an item from their cart entirely