Ecto Shorts is a library focused around making Ecto easier to use in an application and helping to write shorter code
Documentation can be found at
def deps do
{:ecto_shorts, "~> 1.1"}
There are 4 main modules to EctoShorts
. SchemaHelpers
, CommonFilters
, CommonChanges
and Actions
To use create functions we must define create_changeset(params)
on our schema, this usually looks like:
def create_changeset(params \\ %{}), do: changeset(%__MODULE__{}, params)
This module takes a schema and filter parameters and runs them through CommonFilters, esentially a wrapper around Repo. All actions can accept an optional argument of a keyword list that can be used to configure which Repo the Action should use.
* `:repo` - A module that uses the Ecto.Repo Module.
* `:replica` - If you don't want to perform any reads against your Primary, you can specify a replica to read from.
For more info on filter options take a look at Common Filters
This module is responsible for determining put/cast assoc as well as creating and updating model relations
If you pass a list of id's to a many to many relation it will count that as a member_update
and remove or add members to the relations list
E.G. User many_to_many Fruit
This would update the user to have only fruits with id 1 and 3
CommonChanges.put_or_cast_assoc(change(user, fruits: [%{id: 1}, %{id: 3}]), :fruits)
This module contains helpers to check schema data
This module creates query from filter paramters like
CommonFilters.convert_params_to_filter(User, %{id: 5})
is the same as
from u in User, where: id == 5
This allows for filters to be constructed from data such as
CommonFilters.convert_params_to_filter(User, %{
favorite_food: "curry",
age: %{gte: 18, lte: 50},
name: %{ilike: "steven"},
preload: [:address],
last: 5
which the equivalent would be
from u in User,
preload: [:address],
limit: 5,
where: u.favorite_food == "curry" and
u.age >= 18 and u.age <= 50 and
ilike(, "%steven%")
We are also able to query on the first layer of relations like so:
EctoShorts.Actions.all(User, %{
roles: ["ADMIN", "SUPERUSER"]
which would be equivalent to:
from u in User,
inner_join: r in assoc(u, :roles), as: :ecto_shorts_roles,
where: r.code in ["ADMIN", "SUPERUSER"]
Finally we can also query array fields by doing the following
EctoShorts.Actions.all(User, %{
items: [1, 2],
cart: 3
which for an array field would be the equivalent to:
from u in User,
where: ^3 in u.cart and u.items == [1, 2]
- Preloads fields onto the query resultsstart_date
- Query for items inserted after this dateend_date
- Query for items inserted before this datebefore
- Get items with ID's before this valueafter
- Get items with ID's after this valueids
- Get items with a list of idsfirst
- Gets the first n itemslast
- Gets the last n itemssearch
- Warning: This requires schemas using this to have a&by_search(query, val)