
Wrapper around https://github.com/magiclen/chinese-lunisolar-calendar to provide solar to lunisolar date conversions

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT



This is a wrapper around https://github.com/magiclen/chinese-lunisolar-calendar to provide solar to lunisolar date conversions.

This Rust code is compiled to WebAssembly and is running on Cloudflare's edge infrastructure.


Getting the lunar month and day for a solar date

$ curl 'https://lunisolar.ackerleytng.workers.dev/solar-to-lunar/2000/1/1'

Getting the solar year, month and day for a lunar date

$ curl https://lunisolar.ackerleytng.workers.dev/lunar-to-solar/2000/1/1

And when the lunar date is in a leap month, you get two solar dates!

$ curl https://lunisolar.ackerleytng.workers.dev/lunar-to-solar/2020/4/1

How I'm using this

I'm calling this from a Scenario at make.com which would

  • Run yearly on 1st January
  • Convert a list of lunar dates important to me
  • Create calendar events on my personal Google calendar


# compiles your project to WebAssembly and will warn of any issues
wrangler build

# run your Worker in an ideal development workflow (with a local server, file watcher & more)
wrangler dev --verbose

# deploy your Worker globally to the Cloudflare network (update your wrangler.toml file for configuration)
wrangler publish

Docs are here: https://docs.rs/worker