
A command line tool to look at tweets, songs, and movies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Liri Node Text Recognition App 5000

With Liri, you can give our (somewhat) smart Node.js-based command line tool a movie or song and it'll fetch you some cool data on both! It can also look into your tweets as well! How nifty!

Alt text

Getting Started

  1. After cloning down the repo add an .env file to the root folder.
  2. in the .env file add the following text with the proper keys from the Spoitify and Twitter API services:

Spoitify API keys

Twitter API keys


Node.js - Without this Liri will not function. Not running makes Liri very sad. So make sure you have Node.

Running Liri

  1. Esnure that your terminal is running inside the root directory
  2. Type in "node liri.js" and then one of the following commands: my-tweets, spotify-this-song , movie-this , or do-what-it-says.
  3. Watch the magic happen!


  • Max Ackerman


  • Thanks to the UCF Coding Boot Camp for giving me the assignment to make this!
  • Also thanks to Trilogy for really making the assignment!