With Liri, you can give our (somewhat) smart Node.js-based command line tool a movie or song and it'll fetch you some cool data on both! It can also look into your tweets as well! How nifty!
- After cloning down the repo add an .env file to the root folder.
- in the .env file add the following text with the proper keys from the Spoitify and Twitter API services:
Spoitify API keys
Twitter API keys
Node.js - Without this Liri will not function. Not running makes Liri very sad. So make sure you have Node.
- Esnure that your terminal is running inside the root directory
- Type in "node liri.js" and then one of the following commands: my-tweets, spotify-this-song , movie-this , or do-what-it-says.
- Watch the magic happen!
- Max Ackerman
- Thanks to the UCF Coding Boot Camp for giving me the assignment to make this!
- Also thanks to Trilogy for really making the assignment!