
c++ data access object generator.it base on acl.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

what is cowboy ?

cowboy is c++ orm working boy :) it parse models and mappers and then generate dao files. it like myBatis. but without verbose xml config files

how to build?

build acl first

git clone https://github.com/acl-dev/acl.git
cd acl
make build_one

build cowboy.it depend on acl. run "cmake . -DACL_ROOT=acl_path" to generate CMakeFile. and acl_path is acl's path.eg: /home/akzi/code/acl/

git clone https://github.com/acl-dev/cowboy.git
cd cowboy
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build 
cmake .. -DACL_ROOT=acl_path

how it work?

cowboy parse model files and mappers,and generate c++ code.

how to use

akzi:~/code/dao_generator/cmake_build$ ./cowboy -h
    -h                        'help'
    -o                        'parse mapper + model generate dao'
    -u                        'parse sql files generate model + mapper file'
    -m                        'generate multifile,file per table,default generate single'
    -x                        'generate dao to 'dao',
                              'generate mapper to 'mapper',
                              'generate model to 'model',
                              'generate create_tables.hpp to create_tables '
    -s scan_path              'path to scan,default current dir'
    -d dao_path               'generate dao path,default current dir'
    -c mapper_path            'generate mapper file path,default current dir'
    -k model_path             'generate model file path,default current dir'
    -j create_tables_path     'generate create_tables.hpp file path,default current dir'

     scan_path:the path cowboy to scan.it will scan files with *.sql when with -u
               and scan *.h files with -o 

./cow_boy -u -o
./cow_boy -u -o -x
./cow_boy -u -o -x -m
./cow_boy -u -o -d daos -c mappers -k models -j create_table

./cow_boy -u -o
./cow_boy -u -o -x
./cow_boy -u -o -x -m
./cow_boy -u -o -d daos -c mappers -k models -j create_table

generate model files from sql

./cow_boy -u

cow_boy will scan all *.sql files. and parse all create table(...)...; sqls, and generate model file.

define models

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <list>

struct customer_t
        id = 0;
        int a = 2;

    long long int id;
    std::string address;

    std::string postcode;

    std::string sex;

    std::string cname;

struct orders_t
        id = 0;
        customer_id = 0;

    int id;
    std::string code;
    int customer_id;

struct customer_order_t :customer_t
    std::list<orders_t> orders;

struct order_customer_t :orders_t
    customer_t customer;
  • second define mapper
#pragma once

struct customer_mapper
    //@Insert{insert into customer(address,postcode,sex,cname) values (:address,:postcode,:sex,:cname)}
    virtual bool insert(const customer_t &obj) = 0;

    //@Delete{delete from customer where id=:id}
    virtual bool delete_by_id(int id) = 0;

    //@Update{update customer set address=:address,postcode=:postcode,sex=:sex,cname=:cname where id=:id}
    virtual bool update(const customer_t &obj) = 0;

    //@Update{update customer set address=:new_address where id=:id}
    virtual bool update_address(const customer_t &obj,const std::string &new_address) = 0;

    //@Select{select * from customer where id=:id}
    virtual bool select_by_id(customer_t &obj, int id) = 0;

struct orders_mapper 
    //@Insert{insert into order(code,customer_id) values (:code,:customer_id)}
    virtual bool insert(const orders_t &obj) = 0;

    //@Delete{delete from order where id=:id}
    virtual bool delete_by_id(int id) = 0;

    //@Update{update order set code=:code,customer_id=:customer_id where id=:id}
    virtual bool update(const orders_t &obj) = 0;

    //@Select{select * from order where id=:id}
    virtual bool select_by_id(orders_t &obj, int id) = 0;

    //@Select{select * from order where cname=:name}
    virtual bool select_by_name(std::list<orders_t> &obj, std::string &name) = 0;

    //@Select{select * from order where customer_id=:cid}
    virtual bool get_customer_ordors(std::list<orders_t> &obj, int cid) = 0;

    //@Select{select * from order where customer_id=:cid and code !=:code}
    virtual bool get_customer_ordors_without(std::list<orders_t> &obj, int cid, const std::string &code) = 0;

struct customer_order_mapper
    //@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as od,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, order o where c.id=:id and o.customer_id=c.id}
    //@Result{column=cid, property=id}
    //@Result{column=oid, property=orders.id}
    virtual bool get_customer_order(customer_order_t &obj, int id) = 0;

    //@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where  o.customer_id=c.id}
    //@Result{column=cid, property=id}
    //@Result{column=oid, property=orders.id}
    virtual bool get_customer_orders(std::list<customer_order_t> &obj) = 0;

struct order_customer_mapper
    //@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.id=:id and o.customer_id = c.id}
    //@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
    //@Result{column=oid, property=id}
    virtual bool get_order_customer(order_customer_t &obj, int id) = 0;

    //@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.customer_id = c.id}
    //@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
    //@Result{column=oid, property=id}
    virtual bool get_order_customers(std::list<order_customer_t> &obj) = 0;

    //@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.customer_id = c.id and c.cname = :name}
    //@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
    //@Result{column=oid, property=id}
    virtual bool get_order_customers_by_name(std::list<order_customer_t> &obj,const std::string & name) = 0;
  • generate c++ code
    akzi@akzi:~/code/dao_generator/cmake_build/dao$ ls
    CMakeCache.txt  CMakeFiles  cmake_install.cmake  dao  gen_dao  Makefile  mapper.h  model.h
    ./gen_dao -s . -d ./dao
    akzi@akzi:~/code/dao_generator/cmake_build/dao$ ls
    dao.cpp  dao.h

it will generate dao files.

show dao.h file

#pragma once

class customer_dao: public customer_mapper
    customer_dao(acl::db_handle& handle);

    //@Insert{insert into customer(address,postcode,sex,cname) values (:address,:postcode,:sex,:cname)}
	virtual bool insert(const customer_t &obj) ;

	//@Delete{delete from customer where id=:id}
	virtual bool delete_by_id(int id) ;

	//@Update{update customer set address=:address,postcode=:postcode,sex=:sex,cname=:cname where id=:id}
	virtual bool update(const customer_t &obj) ;

	//@Update{update customer set address=:new_address where id=:id}
	virtual bool update_address(const customer_t &obj,const std::string &new_address) ;

	//@Select{select * from customer where id=:id}
	virtual bool select_by_id(customer_t &obj, int id) ;

	acl::db_handle& db_handle_;

class orders_dao: public orders_mapper
	orders_dao(acl::db_handle& handle);

	//@Insert{insert into order(code,customer_id) values (:code,:customer_id)}
	virtual bool insert(const orders_t &obj) ;

	//@Delete{delete from order where id=:id}
	virtual bool delete_by_id(int id) ;

	//@Update{update order set code=:code,customer_id=:customer_id where id=:id}
	virtual bool update(const orders_t &obj) ;

	//@Select{select * from order where id=:id}
	virtual bool select_by_id(orders_t &obj, int id) ;

	//@Select{select * from order where cname=:name}
	virtual bool select_by_name(std::list<orders_t> &obj, std::string &name) ;

	//@Select{select * from order where customer_id=:cid}
	virtual bool get_customer_ordors(std::list<orders_t> &obj, int cid) ;

	//@Select{select * from order where customer_id=:cid and code !=:code}
	virtual bool get_customer_ordors_without(std::list<orders_t> &obj, int cid, const std::string &code) ;

	acl::db_handle& db_handle_;

class customer_order_dao: public customer_order_mapper
	customer_order_dao(acl::db_handle& handle);

	//@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as od,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, order o where c.id=:id and o.customer_id=c.id}
	//@Result{column=cid, property=id}
	//@Result{column=oid, property=orders.id}
	virtual bool get_customer_order(customer_order_t &obj, int id) ;

	//@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where  o.customer_id=c.id}
	//@Result{column=cid, property=id}
	//@Result{column=oid, property=orders.id}
	virtual bool get_customer_orders(std::list<customer_order_t> &obj) ;

	acl::db_handle& db_handle_;

class order_customer_dao: public order_customer_mapper
	order_customer_dao(acl::db_handle& handle);

	//@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.id=:id and o.customer_id = c.id}
	//@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
	//@Result{column=oid, property=id}
	virtual bool get_order_customer(order_customer_t &obj, int id) ;

	//@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.customer_id = c.id}
	//@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
	//@Result{column=oid, property=id}
	virtual bool get_order_customers(std::list<order_customer_t> &obj) ;

	//@Select{select c.id as cid,c.address,c.postcode,c.sex,c.cname,o.id as oid,o.code,o.customer_id from customer c, orders o where o.customer_id = c.id and c.cname = :name}
	//@Result{column=cid, property=customer.id}
	//@Result{column=oid, property=id}
	virtual bool get_order_customers_by_name(std::list<order_customer_t> &obj,const std::string & name) ;

	acl::db_handle& db_handle_;