
A controller that looks for an annotation and will append a data field mydata with the contents of curling


Start controller

1.go build main.go && ./main --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG where $KUBECONFIG is an environment variable pointing to your kubeconfig

Create configmap

In a seperate terminal run

  1. kubectl create -f fixtures/config-map-valid.yml
  2. kubectl get configmap valid -o yaml and you should see a mydata key added with a joke as its value

If something goes wrong, for example an invalid annotation mydata=totally not a url you can view the error by running kubectl describe configmap invalid. For example:

  1. kubectl create -f fixtures/config-map-invalid.yml
  2. kubectl get configmap invalid -o yaml and you should see it hasn't changed
  3. kubectl describe configmap invalid to see the error


  • go 1.13.8 to build and run
  • Access to a kubernetes cluster v1.17.0 (tested with kind v0.7.0) to run acceptance-tests against
  • counterfeiter to generate fakes (only required if editing codebase)
  • ginkgo installed to run the tests

Running the tests

run make test-unit to only run the unit tests

run make test-acceptance to only run the unit tests. Requires KUBECONFIG environment variable exported pointing at a valid kubeconfig

run make test to run all tests. Requires KUBECONFIG environment variable exported pointing at a valid kubeconfig



1. How would you deploy your controller to a Kubernetes cluster?

  • I would use a tool such as helm or kapp to provide a package that can be used to install it into a k8s cluster. The controller itself can be deployed as a Deployment with a single replica defined. I would need to update the controller so it can consume a service account token secret to authenticate with kubernetes

3. Kubernetes being a distributed system based on eventual consistency, how do reconcialiation loops cope with concurrent read and writes that might interfere with each other??

  • Kubernetes uses resource versions to deal with concurrent reads and writers. Every resource has a resourceVersion, if two process both pull the resource at the same time with and both get a resouce withresourceVersion=1 and then the first process updates the resource, kubernetes bumps the resource to resourceVersion=2. When the other process attempts to update the resource as part of its request it says what resourceVersion its basing this change on, so it will get rejected because its trying to send an update from an out of date resource.

7. The content returned when curling URLs may be always different. How is it going to affect your controllers?

  • Since the output of curling the URL may be different the controller cannot make any assertions around what the value of the data key should be, only that if the annotation is there and the key exists then it is in a desired state. This means a manual edit of the value of the data key would go unnoticed by the controller