
An example profiles repository

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This an example profile repository. It contains two profiles, weaveworks-nginx and bitnami-nginx

Bitnami nginx

The bitnami-nginx profile is a profile consisting of a local chart, this local chart is a copy of the bitnami/nginx helm chart. When you deploy this profile, it deploys the helm chart

Tag bitnami-nginx/v0.0.1 exists and can be used to consume v0.0.1 of the bitnami-nginx profile.

Weaveworks nginx

The weaveworks-nginx profile is a profile consisting of 3 artifacts:

  • A helm chart pointing to bitnami/dokuwiki
  • A local deloyment.yaml
  • The bitnami-nginx profile.

This profile demonstrates the 3 different types of artifacts you can write in a profile, and how the layout works. The profile itself doesn't deploy anything meaningful, it just exists to demonstrate.

Tag weaveworks-nginx/v0.1.0 exists and can be used to consume v0.1.0 of the weaveworks-nginx profile.