
Updated Repository for the course on "Design & Development of REST API"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Created as part of the course on "REST API".


Demonstrates the setting up of URI for the REST API

UDEMY Discount Link


Change Log

October 2019 Converted the code to use MongoDB Cloud Updated the package.json with latest versions Took care of the depercations Updated the index.js for DB parameters setting

December 2017 Updated the DB Connection code Data updated for the testing. Instead of providing the User/Password now the URI for DB is used in the format: mongodb://:@SERVER:PORT/DB-NAME


  1. Clone this project on local file system

git clone https://github.com/acloudfan/REST-API-Course-V2.git

  1. Pre-requisistes a. Understanding of node/npm b. An instance of MongoDB available either locally or remotely c. Import the data available in the repository

  2. Run > npm install Deploys the packages express body-parser mongoose

  3. Switch between branches

git checkout errorhandling

Create from scratch

  1. create the project

  2. git init

  3. add .gitignore

  4. npm init

  5. npm install the packages (express,body-parser,mongoose)

  6. create folder = models

Helpful Links

https://github.com/felixge/node-style-guide https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-best-practices/