This project contains code for a bluetooth controlled, semi-autonomous robot. Originally implemented on a Digilent Cerebot MX2 board with a Microchip PIC32. The robot can be remotely controlled over UART or bluetooth, with the proper hardware. Also supports a character display, for debugging and typing messages to people observing the robot. Once a control interface is established, the controls are as follows: w - forward full speed s - stop q - increment motor 1 speed e - increment motor 2 speed a - decrement motor 1 speed d - decrement motor 2 speed z - reverse motor 1 direction c - reverse motor 2 direction u - circle pattern i - square pattern o - figure 8 pattern p - triangle pattern l - line following mode Required hardware: PIC32 Microcontroller development board H-Bridge module/modules (for driving 2 motors) 2 motors Robot Chassis and parts (wheels, tires, hardware, etc.) Optional hardware: Bluetooth UART module LCD Character display screen UART interface Port mapping should be changed based on your specific microcontroller and dev board.