
Introducing Dripp, the only social media service dedicated to showing off which clothes you’re wearing. Dripp allows you to post a photo of your fit and allows you to tag your clothes that you’re wearing. You can also see your friends' fits from your inbox.

Primary LanguageC++

HTML5 Icon

Have you ever worn clothes and have been like, “man, I want everyone to see my fit”. I have not. But maybe you have. Introducing Dripp, the only social media service dedicated to showing off which clothes you’re wearing. Dripp allows you to post a photo of your fit and allows you to tag your clothes that you’re wearing. You can also see your friends' fits from your inbox.


  • Add the ability to take your Dripp within the app
  • Allow users to list the clothes that they’re wearing in the photo
  • Add friends and see their Dripps from an inbox
  • Notify users with "⚠️💦 ITS TIME TO DRIPP 💦⚠️"

Stretch Goals 📊

  • Add instagram-like library feature to see a user's previous posts
  • Links clothes directly to store from where it can be bought
  • See other people who are wearing the same clothes as you
  • Have a feed of other people’s Dripps

Milestones 🗿

Week To-Do
1 Assign frontend, backend, and fullstack
2 Make sure that everyone has their development environment set up, teach everyone Git
3 Decide color palette and fonts; find general aesthetic; Begin Figma wireframing
4 - 7 Implement frontend in Flutter, Work on Firebase backend
8 - 10 Presentation development and practice
11 Inevitable Victory

Tech Stack 🧱

Tutorials 👶

The Team 🫂

Abhishek Madhavan

Mohamed Afsar Harsath Arif

Maheera Memon

Vidhi Patel

Muaaz Abed - PM

Robyn Dean - Industry Mentor

GitHub Cheat Sheet 🔄

Master Github Cheat Sheet

Command Description
cd "Dripp" Change directories over to our repository
git branch Lists branches for you
git branch "branch name" Makes new branch
git checkout "branch name" Switch to branch
git checkout -b "branch name" Same as 2 previous commands together
git add . Finds all changed files
git commit -m "TestyTestTest" Commit with message
git push origin "branch" Push to branch
git pull origin "branch" Pull updates from a specific branch

Special Thanks 👏

  • Special thanks to ACM leadership for giving us the opportunity for Dripp to happen
  • Special thanks to MYra ShanE for the logo