
Mobile app that makes gift giving easier through personal wish lists, gift recommendations, and one click shopping for gifts.

MIT LicenseMIT

Easy Gift Spring 2020 ACM Projects PM: Samuel Nitsch


Create an app that makes gifitng easy. Keep that in mind for the whole project. Users are able to create profiles with wishlists, one click shopping, form groups with other users, and have gift recomendations. The idea is that anyone using the app can either quickly glance at a users profile and buy a gift on their "wishlist" or get a good idea of want they through recomendations.


  • Users can create personal profiles with a wishlist of items they want
  • Wishlists can be sorted by price, or by a "priority" of how much the user wants it
  • Users can form groups and see each others profiles, and when a user buys a gift for another user, the group knows that gift has been purchased except the person who the gift was bought for.
  • Allow for "one click" shopping for EASY gifting. i.e. links for each gift so users wont have to search for a gift, and can instead just click and purchase


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