
A socially-oriented language learning mobile app that connects you with fluent speakers to level up your language training.

Primary LanguageDart


A socially-oriented language learning mobile app that connects you with fluent speakers to level up your language training.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • User accounts
    • User authentication & profile creation (e.g. name, bio, languages, interests, etc.)
    • Ability to edit your own profile and view others'
  • Matching algorithm
    • Match users based on their languages and preferences
    • Ability to find a new match
  • Ability to search for and find a specific user
  • Inbox to see current conversations
  • In-app text chat
  • Ability to block another user

Stretch Goals

  • Chat Features
    • In-app voice chat
    • In-app video chat
    • Group chats/forums
    • Chatbot assistant to help generate more conversation/add structure
    • Ability to translate a chat message (using Google Translate)
    • Voice Memos (like iMessage voice memos)
    • Speech to Text Functions (w/ Google Speech To Text)
    • Corrections for feedback
    • Firebase Machine Learning (language detection, on-device translation)
  • Learning Features
    • Learning section (eg. basic phrases, alphabet, etc. for major languages)
  • Tracking Features
    • Daily interaction streak
  • Social Features
    • Geolocation: filter by people near me


General Software

Tech Stack

^ A general installation guide. Please feel free to find additional resources that work for you!

Learning Resources

Look through all of these resources at the beginning :)

Common GitHub Commands

GitHub Cheatsheet PDF

Video: Learn Git in 15 minutes

General Use:

Command Description
cd "Fluent" Change directories to our repository
git branch Lists branches
git branch "branch name " Makes a new branch
git checkout "branch name" Switch to branch
git checkout -b "branch name" 2 previous commands combined
git add . Finds and adds all changed files to your next commit
git commit -m "msg" Commit with message
git push origin "branch" Push to branch
git pull origin "branch" Pull updates from a specific branch