
Your virtual farmers market! Discover local farmers, artisans, and artists within your local community. Connect with sellers to purchase fresh foods, personalized gifts, and support a local small market. Or, easily create your own market and begin selling your own goods! Rediscover the joy of locally sourced and crafted goods with Market Maven!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🎉 Market Maven 🎉

Your virtual farmers market! Discover local farmers, artisans, and artists within your local community. Connect with sellers to purchase fresh foods, personalized gifts, and support a local small market. Or, easily create your own market and begin selling your own goods! Rediscover the joy of locally sourced and crafted goods with Market Maven!


  • User Account with Google Login Authentication
    • store user location so we can find local markets
  • Search Page for viewing local markets
    • such as market goods type, distance from user, market name, etc
  • Ability to select market and view its general information and view their products
    • "Linh's Furry Art" <---- MUST HAVE
  • Ability to select a market and open a chat room with them
  • Ability to 'like' markets and products
  • Ability to create your own market

Stretch Goals 🎊

  • Bank Account/PayPal/Venmo integration
  • Include Google Maps Integration
  • QR Code to share products/shops
  • Shop notepad to keep track of sales and commissions
  • Purchase/Sale Tracker
  • Add 'Artist Events' Calendar to see any upcoming events (Google Cal integration!?!?!)

Tech Stack 🎊

Resources 🎊

Milestones 🎊

Week Frontend Tasks Backend Tasks Links
Week 1
  • Meet the team! Set up environment.
  • Git and IDEs should be set up, teach basic git commands
  • Split team into Frontend/Backend
  • Frontend: Start working on Figma and have draft done by next meeting
  • Homework: Tech Stack tutorials
  • Meet the team! Set up environment.
  • Git and IDEs should be set up, teach basic git commands
  • Split team into Frontend/Backend
  • Backend: Have database and Express set up by next meeting. Show progress with User Authentication by next meeting.
Week 2/3
  • Deliverable: Figma draft should be completed
  • Deliverable: Tutorial should be completed
  • Frontend: Recieve Feedback on Figma
  • Frontend: Begin coding pages, starting with login/registration. Include Logging in with Google
  • Frontend: Work on the navigation bar for the app
  • Homework: Finish coding Login/Registration Pages, Navigation bar, and begin other pages
  • Deliverable: NodeJS/Express should be set up
  • Deliverable: MongoDB should be set up
  • Deliverable: Tutorials should be completed
  • Backend: Implement login functionality, including with Google Auth
  • Backend: Continue setting up the database for future
  • Homework: Finish login functionality
Week 4/5
  • Deliverable: Login and Registration Pages done
  • Frontend: Finishing 75% of Frontend
  • Frontend: Profile Page, Search Page, Market Page, Product Page, etc
  • Homework: Have 75% of the Frontend finished (Can be rough, we can make perfect later)
  • Deliverable: Login functionality should be complete
  • Deliverable: MongoDB should be set up
  • Backend: Integrate Login functionality with Frontend pages
  • Backend: Integrate Google Maps Matrix API for finding distance to shops
  • Backend: Learn how to filter data from the database for use on the Search Page
  • Homework: Integrate Login functionality, Integrate Google Maps Matrix API, Learn to filter data from database
  • Google Maps Matrix API Tutorial
  • Filter DB Information
Week 6/7
  • Deliverable: Almost all of Frontend should be done
  • Frontend: Finish Frontend fully and clean up all pages
  • Frontend: Help Backend with integration
  • Frontend: Begin Stretch Goal implementation
  • Homework: Frontend will be 100% complete
  • Deliverable: Login functionality fully integrated
  • Deliverable: Google Maps Matrix API Learned
  • Backend: Fully integrate Google Maps Matrix API and Search functionality with Frontend
  • Backend: Begin implementing chosen Stretch Goal
  • Homework: MVP will be 100% complete
  • Links TBD
Week 8/9
  • Frontend: Clean up Frontend and finish implementing stretch Goal
  • Frontend: Begin working on Presentation Slides
  • Homework: Finish a demo video
  • Backend: Complete integration of backend and frontend and Stretch Goal
  • Backend: Begin working on Presentation Script
  • Homework: Finish presentation script
  • Past Presentation Night
  • Past Presentation Slides
  • Presentation Drive
Week 10 Presentation Practice! Presentation Practice! Slay
Week 11 Presentation Night!! Y'all got this!! Wooo lets gooo!!

Git Cheat Sheet🎊

Pulling from repo
Step 1 I usually will do 'git status' just to make sure I am on the right branch and everything is okay
Step 2 'git add .'
Step 3 'git commit -m "pulling"'
Step 4 "git pull origin main" -> or replace main with another branch if needed
Step 5 "npm install" <- for any added packages!
Pushing to repo
Step 1 I usually will do 'git status' just to make sure I am on the right branch and everything is okay
Step 2 'git add .'
Step 3 'git commit -m "-insert features you have added-"'
Step 4 "git push origin -your-branch-"
Step 5 Navigate to Github and create a pull request
Creating a Branch
Step 1 I usually will do 'git status' just to make sure I am on the right repo and everything is okay
Step 2 'git branch -b -insert your name here-'
Step 3 'git checkout -your branch name-'
Step 4 commit and push to see your branch appear on Github

Team Market Maven 🎉


Alveena Rehman

Lerich Osay

Sachi Hansalia

Vishal Manjunath

🎊Project Manager🎊

Clara Conner

🎊Industry Mentor🎊

Linh Ly

❤️🎊🎉Thanks for checking out Market Maven! 🎉🎊❤️