
Michelin Archives

Are you tired of navigating through generation-old-worn-down-tea-stained cook books? Or do you simply want a better place to manage your recipe collection than the notes app? Well then the MA is the place for you. Simply snap your old Mima’s cookbook pages and enjoy it being automatically scanned and formatted for easy management and recollection! Share your recipe collection with your friends! (But not the secret mac and cheese one or Nana won’t be happy). Ask our unique totallyNotChatGPT AI to make you new recipes based on your acquired taste!


  • User authentication
  • Scan user uploaded images for text
  • Allow user to categorize recipes into collections (perhaps by cultural aspects)
  • Automatically format all scanned recipes to fit a "standard" form
  • Allow manual user input for recipes
  • Share archive with friends using upload as pdf (or some other file format)

Stretch Goals ⏳

  • Generate a new recipe using common trends in personal taste
  • A blog site extension to share different cultural cuisines
  • Spin to Din! (Gives you a random meal to make [may need pantry content implementation to keep it plausible])
  • Expand to IOS user base (might not be as easy as we're hoping)

Milestones 🚀

Week Tasks Front-end Back-end
1 Choose weekly meeting time/s. Choose front vs back-end teams. Learn git basics.
2 Set up tech stacks, IDE's, and watch tutorials. Get started on wireframes more tutorials :)
3 15% complete Finalize wireframe and begin implementation in dart Learn dart and firebase and create user auth
4-5 50% complete Finish wireframe implementation and work perfecting it Research image to text conversion and begin implementation
6 70% complete Help the back end with any extra time Complete OCR and optimize it for handwriting
7-8 100% - Integrate the front and back-end Stretch goal UI and decide presentation slide deck Stretch goal features
9 Create presentation and begin rehearsing it
10 Finalize presentation and rehearse it in front of others

Tech Stack

General Resources

Roadblocks and Possible Solutions

  • Getting the database to work may take some time and effort but this is easily solvable using cooperative learning and the proper resources.
  • The OCR may not be entirely effective for handwritten recipes so we may need to work on optimizing it to the best of our ability (the new ready to use google ml kit comes pretrained so this depends on how well trained it is)
  • Feeling lost or experiencing imposter syndrome is a roadblock not a u-turn. Sometimes it is unavoidable and can lead to major unwarranted self-doubt. The best solution is your team members, pm, and anyone else in the acm projects program, so don't be afraid, whatever you're going through is nothing but a temporary roadblock.


  • CookBook - Can scan but not optimized for handwritten recipes. Paid service leaves much to be desired.
  • Paprika Recipe Manager - no scanning and only free on android
  • Yummly - lets you find and favorite recipes but not store your own.

Git Commands

Command What it does
git branch lists all the branches
git branch "branch name" makes a new branch
git checkout "branch name" switches to speicified branch
git checkout -b "branch name" combines the previous 2 commands
git add . finds all changed files
git commit -m "Testing123" commit with a message
git push origin "branch" push to branch
git pull origin "branch" pull updates from a specific branch

Meet the next Gordon Ramsay's of our generation

  • Sri Varsha Vattikuti
  • Saanvi Bala
  • Meghana Lammata
  • Oviya Selvakumar