
This app will redefine the way you organize and participate in a variety of sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, pickleball, etc). Made specifically for college students, PickUP provides access to a dynamic, user-friendly platform that will keep you informed about various sports games happening around your campus in real-time.

Primary LanguageDart


Say farewell to haphazardly organized games, the endless wait for that one last player to complete a full team, and all of your pickup sports game woes with PickUP. This app will redefine the way you organize and participate in a variety of sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, pickleball, etc). Made specifically for college students, PickUP provides access to a dynamic, user-friendly platform that will keep you informed about various sports games happening around your campus in real-time. This powerful app bridges the gap between sports enthusiasts and available games, turning spontaneous matches into well-attended, memorable events.


  • User Account
    • User authentication with username and password
    • Email domain verification for UTD students
    • Personalization - ex: profile photo, skill level, etc.
  • Live Map
    • Display map of live games
    • Show user's live location
  • Game Creation
    • Ability to create a game for chosen sport
    • Add location, players needed, and other details
    • Notification sent when game is live
    • Display game on map
  • Push Notifications
    • When game starts or when players are needed
  • Player/Game Customization
    • Role specification for game (ex: goalie, center, etc)
    • Game level - beginner-friendly or experienced players

Stretch Goals 🙆

  • Allow users to rate each other based on sportsmanship and how good they are at the sport
  • Chat integration - can be used if more information is needed
  • Allow users to add friends from their college in the app
  • Create leagues
  • Integrate the app with Universities IM leagues
  • Extend map and user base outside of UTD campus

Milestones 🏃‍♂️

Week Deliverables/Tasks
1 Meet team, set up development environment, explore idea using similar apps
2 & 3 Front end: plan pages, create wireframes & code initial screens, Back end: set up database for storage and setup user authentication
4 Front end: 50% of app screens, Back-end: work on implementing game creation, integrate with frontend
5 & 6 Front end: complete 75% of screens, Back end: work on live map and location, push notifications, and continue to integrate with frontend as needed
7 Front end: 100% of app screens, enhancing features/animations, Back end: game customization, stretch goals
8 & 9 Stretch goals, presentation slides + script
10 Practice presentation, final touches
11 Presentation Night!! 🕺

Tech Stack 💻

Wireframing: Figma
Front-end: Flutter
Back-end: Dart & Firebase

Helpful Resources/Tutorials 📚

Installation & Set Up:
Flutter Installation for Mac OS
Installation guide pt 2 for Mac OS
Flutter Installation for Windows
Flutter Installation for Windows pt 2
Firebase w/ Flutter Set Up
Install Android Studios
VS Code

Tutorials/Helpful Links:
Flutter Tutorial
Flutter Tutorial pt 2 Figma Tutorial
Dart Tutorial
Git Tutorial
Git Cheat Sheet
Firebase CRUD

How to implement push notifications with Flutter and Firebase Cloud Messaging
Push notifications pt 2

API links

Stretch Goal Resources How to implement the chat feature using Flutter and Firebase

Quick Read :)
How to be Successful in Projects

GitHub Cheat Sheet 🗿

Command Description
cd "PickUP" Change directories over to our repository
git branch Lists branches for you
git branch "branch name" Makes new branch
git checkout "branch name" Switch to branch
git checkout -b "branch name" Same as 2 previous commands together
git add . Finds all changed files
git commit -m "Testing123" Commit with message
git push origin "branch" Push to branch
git pull origin "branch" Pull updates from a specific branch
get commit hash (find on github or in terminal run git log --oneline ) then git revert 2f5451f --no-edit Undo a commit that has been pushed
git reset --soft HEAD~ Undo commit (not pushed) but keep the changes
get commit hash then git reset --hard 2f5451f Undo commit (not pushed) and remove changes

Developers 👥

Taaha Hussain 🏎️
Ahmed Siddiqui ⚽️
Deston Muo 🏀
Isha Rao 🎾

Safa Mohammed - Project Manager
Royce Mathews - Industry Mentor