Mastermind AI

An agent-based Mastermind implementation. See for an example of how to implement and run a user agent.

@run_agent accepts two optional keyword arguments: colors is a list or string of characters which are valid peg colors. The game will select length of these, with replacement, to be the code.

These default to 'abcdef' and 4 respectively, to mimic the original game of 4 pegs and 6 possible colors.

You may use multiple @run_agent decorators to test the same agent on multiple scenarios. For example

@run_agent(colors='xy', length=10)
@run_agent(colors='0123456789', length=5)
def my_agent(game):

Might produce:

Results for one_pass:
  answer: '69505'
     key: '69505'
  5 chars, 10 choices
  13 attempts.

Results for one_pass:
  answer: 'xyxyxyyyyy'
     key: 'xyxyxyyyyy'
  10 chars, 2 choices
  6 attempts.

Results for one_pass:
  answer: 'fccf'
     key: 'fccf'
  4 chars, 6 choices
  7 attempts.