
Social Snakes is a remake game built on the top of canvas recreates the whole old-school snake game experience. Check at: https://apps.facebook.com/social-snakes/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Snakes

Snakes Facebook app. Have fun!!!

Pre-requisites for Development:

  • Mac OS
  • Git

Project's Setup:

  1. Create a folder /projects/Social-Snakes/

  2. Create a file /projects/Social-Snakes/git-clone.sh with contents:

    #!/bin/sh git clone git@github.com:acmello/social-snakes.git

  3. In terminal, go to folder /projects/Social-Snakes/ and run the script git-clone.sh. It will create the folder /projects/Social-Snakes/social-snakes with all project files inside.

Apache's Setup:

  1. Edit Apache's configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf adding at the end the following:

    Alias /social-snakes /projects/Social-Snakes/social-snakes/ <Directory "/projects/Social-Snakes/social-snakes/"> AddType text/html .aspx
    DirectoryIndex default.aspx Allow from all

  2. Start (or restart) Apache with the command: sudo apachectl graceful

  3. Test in your browser the location: http://localhost/social-snakes/

Facebooks's Setup:

  1. You must be an authorized app's collaborator.
  2. Test in your browser the location (note it's non secure http; only for development and testing purposes it's NOT https): http://apps.facebook.com/social-snakes

Local Personal .git/config File Template:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    # url = git@github.com:acmello/social-snakes.git
    url = https://github.com/acmello/social-snakes.git
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
    name = user
    email = user@somewhere

Production Environment:

Shortened URL: http://bagu.al/cf

### See also: