
robot libray

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Add the submodule

From the root of the project (e.g. path/to/projects/skystone) run git submodule add https://github.com/acmerobotics/robomatic.git

In the future after cloning the project new users will need to run git submodule init and git submodule update to populate the submodule files into the Robomatic folder created by cloning the main project.


  • Install the FTC dashboard
  • In settings.gradle for the project add include ':robomatic'
  • In build.dependencies.gradle add the line implementation project(':robomatic') to the end of the dependencies.
  • Sync gradle when prompted.

Java 8

Robomatic makes use of lambdas which require Java 8. Java 8 has been supported in Android Studio since 3.0 but the source and target compatability for Java 8 must be specified in the project build files. The Robomatic gradle file contains the section:

   compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

which indicates to gradle that it uses Java 8. This may be sufficient to work with your project. However, if you get build errors from this you may need to include the same section in the build.gradle file for the TeamCode module. Add this section:

android {
     compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

after the apply from: '../build.common.gradle' line so it overwrites the preference set there. Alternatively, if you want all of your modules to support using Java 8 features add that section to the build.common.gradle file in the main SkyStone project, replacing the current source and target compatibility indicator of Java 1.7. To our knowledge, this does not cause any issues with Java 7 code or code for older API levels as the Android tools convert the byte code to be supported by the older API level through the use of their "desugaring" tools.



The Robot class controls the main loop that provides efficient asynchronous control of hardware. Hardware devices and CachingSensors accessed through the Robot will only communicate with the Rev hubs once per loop, and only write data if they need to. Each iteration of the main loop the Robot will:

  1. update bulk data from the rev hubs
  2. update caching sensors
  3. call each of the subsystem's update method
  4. update dashboard telemetry
  5. write any changes to motor or servo commands to the rev hubs


To make your own robot, extend the Robot class. The robot object will contain all the subsystems and interface with all the hardware.

Enable devices connected to a Rev Hub by registering the hub with the robot by puting the line registerHub("<configured name>") in the constructor of your robot class.

After initializing the subsystem in your robot's constructor register the subsystem with registerSubsystem(<subsystem>); Pass the robot instance into your subsystems so they can interact with the robot loop and hardware.

Accessing Hardware

To use the caching hardware devices provided by the Robot, access hardware from the robot rather than directly from the hardware map. The methods getMotor(), getServo(), getDigitalChannel(), and getAnalogSensor() take a name a device is registered with in the hardware map, and return a hardware device that is managed by the Robot.

To minimize your own expensive sensor reads (for example reading an imu's orientation or other i2c devices) wrap the expensive call in a CachingSensor object, which takes the call as its sole argument, and then register the sensor with the Robot using robot.registerCachingSensor. The lambda will be evaluated each loop, and the return value of the function is accesible through the CachingSensor's getValue() method. To improve loop times, disable the sensor when not in use by calling setEnabled(false). The sensor can be re-enabled when it is needed again.

To create an imu, call the robot's getRevHubImu() method, and pass the index of the hub from which to retrieve the IMU NOTE: index here refers to the order in which the hubs were registered with the robot, not the addresses of the hubs. To perform an optional axis remap pass a Robot.Orientation object as the second argument. This orientation defines the directions of the positive x, y, and z axes in the imu's origional refrence frame. Refer to Bosch's documentation for details.

Updating the robot

Robot.update() will preform one update of the robot. If you have your own main loop, such as a loop in teleop that updates gamepad controls and such, call Robot.update() once each loop.

The robot can also run its own main loop, updating itself until one of several conditions are met:

  • runUntilStop will run the main loop until the opmode is stopped.
  • runForTime will run the main loop for a specified number of milliseconds. This is useful if you want a delay between actions in auto, but would like the loop to continue to run.
  • runUntil accepts a lambda target. The loop will be run until the lambda returns true.

OpMode Configuration

To create an opmode configuration, mark a public class with the annotation @OpmodeConfiguration. A menu option will be created within the app to edit the public members of this class, and then these values will be available to a running opmode. Public boolean and enum fields from the configuration class will automaticaly be made editable, as well as all integer fields marked with @IntegerConfiguration (a max for integers must be provided.) See DemoConfig.java for a sample configuration from the Rover Ruckus season.

Accessing Configurations

Use the ConfigurationLoader to access your config at runtime. You will need to pass in the app context available from the hardwareMap. The configuration loader will retreive the first configuration type it finds in the class path, so you should only have one class marked with @OpmodeConfiguration at a time. The configuration loader will return a plain object, so you will need to cast to your custom configuration type. Ex: DemoConfig config = (DemoConfig) new ConfigurationLoader(hardwareMap.appContext).getConfig();