
Supplementary material for the paper: "A Comparative Study of Video Annotation Tools for Scene Understanding: Yet (not) another Annotation Tool", shortly NANO

Primary LanguagePython

Yet (not) another Annotation Tool

A repository to supplement the paper "A Comparative Study of Video Annotation Tools for Scene Understanding: Yet (not) another Annotation Tool": https://doi.org/10.1145/3304109.3306223

Artifacts: DOI

+-- acquired_data
|   +-- annotations
|   |   +-- gt
|   |   |   +-- gameplay_groundtruth.txt
|   |   |   +-- medical_groundtruth.txt
|   |   |   +-- pedestrian_groundtruth.txt
|   |   +-- users
|   |   |   +-- aibu
|   |   |   +-- darklabel
|   |   |   +-- vatic
|   +-- user_study_data.csv
+-- evaluation
|   +-- docker-source
+-- video_contents
|   +-- docker_data_vatic
|   +-- extracted_frames_aibu
|   +-- atest.mp4
|   +-- endo.mp4
|   +-- fortnite.mp4
|   +-- tud.mp4
+-- tools
|   +-- aibu-clone.zip
|   +-- darklabel1.3-release.zip
|   +-- vatic-clone.zip
+-- questionnaire
|   +-- INTERVIEW.md
|   +-- SURVEY.md


In the user study, 45 people participate and each participate tested one tool with three video contents in a mixed-design.


Three tools are compared between subjects:

  1. DarkLabel -> Go and have a look on the website
  2. AIBU -> Go and have a look on GitHub
  3. VATIC (used as docker image)

preview tools

In the directory ''tools'' a clone of each tool is included. AIBU, VATIC are GitHub clones. VATIC includes a clone of the cited VATIC and DOCKER-CONTRIB repository, respectively. DarkLabel includes a copy of the released tool version, available on the website. Each tool provides an installation setup in its corresponding reposiotry. For a quick setup:

  • AIBU requires a Java Runtime + ant package manager to include the coffeeshop library in the Ivy repository and finally build the tool with ant.
  • DarkLabel requires a Windows system and the provided .dll file in the same directory.
  • VATIC can be executed with the provided docker image in the following way:
  # Execute VATIC-docker-contrib
  cd ./nano
  cd $ROOT_DIR/tools
  unzip -a vatic-clone.zip
  unzip -a vatic-docker-contrib-master.zip
  cd vatic-docker-contrib-master
  # specify a shared data directory
  # check if everything worked
  echo $DATA_DIR
  # start docker and map shared directory
  docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v $DATA_DIR:/home/vagrant/vagrant_data jldowns/vatic-docker-contrib:0.1
  # now you are in the docker container
  # start MySQL
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# /home/vagrant/start_services.sh
  # go to
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# cd /home/vagrant/vatic
  # extract keyframes from a video
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# turkic extract /home/vagrant/vagrant_data/atest.mp4 /home/vagrant/vagrant_data/atest_frames/
  # for mac users delete all .DS_Store files in the atest_frames directory
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# find /home/vagrant/vagrant_data/atest_frames/ -name '.DS_Store' -type f -delete
  # laod the frames for an annotation task
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# turkic load 1 /home/vagrant/vagrant_data/atest_frames/ person car instrument --offline
  # publish it locally with the --offline flag
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# turkic publish --offline
  # opent the URL in the browser do not forget the port (8080)
  # Output -> http://localhost:8080/?id=1&hitId=offline
  # exit and close container
  root@[CONTAINER_ID]:~# exit


Three videos are compared within subjects:

  1. Medical endoscopy
  2. Gameplay
  3. Walking pedestrian

preview videos

Acquired Data

  • To measure efficiency, the required time of each user for annotating a video was recorded separately. This time was then entered by the user in the questionnaire at the corresponding video.
  • To measure effectiveness and accuracy of annotations, the directory ''gt'' includes a ground-truth annotation file for each video content. Each line represents the coordinates of the object (x1,y1,x2,y3) in the frame which a user had to follow during the video. The line number represents the frame number in the corresponding video.
  • Each tool offers a different method for extracting users' annotations and the directory ''users'' includes the annotation files for each tool and corresponding user.

The file ''user_study_data.csv'' comprises all acquired data:

  • user id #type: int
  • gender #type: string(male, female)
  • age #type: int
  • tool #type: string(VATIC, AIBU, DarkLabel)
  • {medical, gameplay, pedestrian}_iou #type: float(between 0 and 1.0)
  • {medical, gameplay, pedestrian}_time #type: int(seconds)
  • {medical, gameplay, pedestrian}_vLike #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • {medical, gameplay, pedestrian}_vEffort #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • {medical, gameplay, pedestrian}_vMotion #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • tUsage #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • tBoxCreation #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • tBoxManipulation #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)
  • tBoxPropagation #type: int(1,2,3,4,5)

Evaluation & Results

Scripts for evaluating user study data are implemented in python by utilizing several scientific packages for statistical analysis. Interactive navigation through results and source code are provided with a docker image. All source code can be found in the directory ''docker-source''. This directory is used by the docker container in order to calcuate the results. To build the docker from source enter the following statements:

  cd ./nano/evaluations/docker-source
  #Build docker image
  sh build_and_run.sh
  # type the following URL in the browser
  # -> localhost:4000

  # Stop docker container
  docker container ls
  docker stop [CONTAINER ID]

  # or to clean any dangling docker files
  sh cleanup.sh

Alternatively, a public available docker image can also be used:

  # Pull the image from Docker Hub
  docker pull amplejoe/nano:artifacts
  # Run the image
  docker run -p 4000:80 amplejoe/nano:artifacts
  # type the following URL in the browser
  # -> localhost:4000

A navigation menu provides links for reproducing all study results.


In general all configurations are found in docker-source/app/config.py

Generate IoU's

Calculates IoU's per user according to the ground-truth data.

  • Script: docker-source/app/calc_iou.py
  • Input: annotation files from tools acquired_data/users and ground-truth files acquired_data/gt
  • Output: csv file including all IoUs per tool and video


Subjective Assessment

  • Script: docker-source/app/calculate.py
  • Method: subjective()
  • Input: csv file as pandas dataframe
  • Output: Subjectives assessments evaluated with Friedman Chi Square, Kruskal-Wallis H test and Dunn's post hoc analysis

Efficiency (Time)

  • Script: docker-source/app/calculate.py
  • Method: efficiency()
  • Input: csv file as pandas dataframe
  • Output: Assessment according to time: Shapiro Wilkinson (normality), Mixed ANOVA, one way ANOVA (w/ repeated measurements), pairwise t-tests, Kruskal-Wallis H test and Dunn's test

Effectiveness (IoU)

  • Script: docker-source/app/calculate.py
  • Method: effectiveness()
  • Input: csv file as pandas dataframe
  • Output: Assessment according to iou: Shapiro Wilkinson (normality), Kruskal-Wallis H test, Dunn's post hoc analysis


  • Script: docker-source/app/calculate.py
  • Method: correlations()
  • Input: csv file as pandas dataframe
  • Output: Assessment according to time and iou: Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient


When using study data, please cite the following paper:

Sabrina Kletz, Andreas Leibetseder, Klaus Schoeffmann. A Comparative Study of Video Annotation Tools for Scene Understanding: Yet (not) another Annotation Tool "10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys)". June 2019. https://doi.org/10.1145/3304109.3306223


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