Project Setup Guide


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java 17 or higher
  • Maven (for building the project)
  • PostgreSQL (or your preferred database)
  • Git (for version control)

Download the Project

  1. Clone the Repository

Open your terminal and run:

git clone
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory
cd travel-management


  1. Set Up the Database
  • Create a PostgreSQL database.
  • Update the database connection settings in src/main/resources/ or application.yml:

Replace localhost, 5432, yourdatabase, yourusername, and yourpassword with your database details.

  1. Build the Project


mvn clean install

Run the Project

  1. Start the Application

Run the Spring Boot application using:

mvn spring-boot:run

Alternatively, you can run it from your IDE.

  1. Access the API

The API will be available at:


Modify the port if you have configured a different one.

Postman Collection

You can access and import the API collection into Postman using the following link:

Postman Collection


  • Database Connection Issues: Ensure PostgreSQL is running and credentials are correct.
  • Build Errors: Review error messages for missing dependencies or configuration issues.

Additional Information

  • Refer to the project's API documentation for details on endpoints.
  • For specific issues, check the issue tracker or contact project maintainers.