Agents External Stubs


Agents External Stubs is the primary stub you need to run and test Agent Services locally and in other stubbed environments. It replaces gg-stubs and agents-stubs together with auth, company-auth-frontend, enrolment-store-proxy, tax-enrolments, users-groups-search, citizen-details, DES and datastream.

You will have to run UI stubs as well in order to be able to sign-in seamlessly into your application.

This app SHOULD NOT be run on QA nor Production environment.


  • dynamic (data can be changed, no initial data included)
  • persistent (data are persisted until modified or removed)
  • programmable (data can be created and retrieved entirely through the custom API)
  • smart (only minimal input needed, sensibly auto-generates missing values)
  • complete (feels and behaves like real API would)
  • multi-tenant (test data are sandboxed into planets, multiple data planets can co-exist)
  • self-contained (does not need any other services to run)
  • easy-to-use (through ergonomic API and complementary UI frontend)

Table of contents


  • user and enrolment model
  • ETMP/DES records model
  • auth and other services drop-in replacement
  • generic proxy with pre-defined responses (special cases)
  • agent-access-control support
  • external auth and api-platform-test-user link

Data Model

Every stubbed user and other data types live in some test sandbox (planet). You have to declare existing or a new planet whenever you sign-in. Each authenticated session have planetId information. Stubbed and custom UIs will consider only users and data assigned to the current planet.

User authentication expires after 15 minutes and so does the bearer token.

How requests are handled?

We handle local requests gracefully and do not require existing applications to reconfigure, i.e. we provide necessary TCP proxies:

  • listening on 8500 for auth requests
  • listening on 9978 for user-details requests
  • listening on 9337 for citizen-details requests
  • listening on 9984 for users-groups-search requests
  • listening on 7775 for enrolment-store-proxy requests
  • listening on 9111 for ni-exemption-registration requests
  • listening on 9904 for des requests
  • listening on 8100 for datastream events
  • listening on 9974 for sso requests
  • listening on 8898 for file-upload requests

You can switch this behaviour off by setting features.proxies config property to false.

How to configure generic proxy and stub pre-defined responses

This service can handle arbitrary requests and proxy them to the target service if possible or return pre-defined response. Target service name is determined based on the URL path prefix and its location looked up in the configuration:

  • protocol:{service-name}.protocol
  • host:{service-name}.host
  • port:{service-name}.port

Any stubbed or proxied APIs request can return pre-defined response defined using Special Cases.

Testing performance with stubs

To achieve high volume throughput and low latency required for performance testing you may consider deploy only single stubs instance and switch on few optimisations options:

  • features.authCache - to aggressively cache all auth authorisations in memory,
  • features.preloadRecordsForDefaultUserIds - to preload record template caches with entities generated for the default user ids pool, this will work well with userIdFromPool query parameter attached to the sign-in and create user requests,
  • features.clearOldMongoDbDocumentsDaily - to clear stubs database daily at 12:30 AM UTC.

Stubbed APIs

Endpoint Description
POST /auth/authorise general authorisation endpoint
GET /auth/authority returns the authority record for the supplied bearer token
Feature What's implemented
predicates enrolment, authProviders, affinityGroup, confidenceLevel, credentialStrength, nino, credentialRole, $or
retrievals authProviderId, credentials, optionalCredentials, authorisedEnrolments, allEnrolments,affinityGroup,confidenceLevel,credentialStrength, credentialRole, nino, groupIdentifier, name, optionalName, dateOfBirth, agentCode, agentInformation
Endpoint Description
GET /user-details/id/:id returns the user details associated with the given id
Endpoint Description
GET /citizen-details/:idName/:taxId citizen information
GET /citizen-details/:nino/designatory-details
GET /citizen-details/:nino/designatory-details/basic
Endpoint Description
GET /users-groups-search/users/:userId user details
GET /users-groups-search/groups/:groupId group details
GET /users-groups-search/groups/:groupId/users users in the group
GET /users-groups-search/groups?agentCode=:agentCode&agentId=:agentId group having the given agentCode, agentId is ignored
Endpoint Description
GET /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/enrolments/:enrolmentKey/users get user ids for the enrolment
GET /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/enrolments/:enrolmentKey/groups get group ids for the enrolment
PUT /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/enrolments/:enrolmentKey upsert an (allocated or unallocated) enrolment
DELETE /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/enrolments/:enrolmentKey remove an unallocated enrolment
POST /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/groups/:groupId/enrolments/:enrolmentKey allocate an enrolment to a group (agent)
DELETE /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/groups/:groupId/enrolments/:enrolmentKey de-allocate an enrolment from a group (agent)
GET /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/users/:userId/enrolments get a list of enrolments assigned to a user, this is capable of returning both principle and delegated enrolments.
GET /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/groups/:groupId/enrolments get a list of enrolments allocated for a group, this is capable of returning both principle and delegated enrolments.
Endpoint Description
POST /tax-enrolments/groups/:groupId/enrolments/:enrolmentKey allocate an enrolment to a group (agent)
DELETE /tax-enrolments/groups/:groupId/enrolments/:enrolmentKey de-allocate an enrolment from a group (agent)
PUT /tax-enrolments/enrolments/:enrolmentKey upsert an (allocated or unallocated) enrolment
DELETE /tax-enrolments/enrolments/:enrolmentKey remove an unallocated enrolment


Endpoint Description
POST /registration/relationship Provides the ability for an agent to authorise or de-authorise the relationship with a taxpayer, or for a taxpayer to de-authorise the relationship with an agent.
GET /registration/relationship Provides the ability for a taxpayer (individual or organisation) or their agent to display historical or current relationships.
GET /registration/relationship/utr/:utr Provides the ability for a taxpayer (individual or organisation) to display current relationship with their agents.
GET /registration/relationship/nino/:nino ^^ as above
GET /registration/business-details/:idType/:idNumber Provides the ability for a taxpayer to get the business details associated with the taxpayer.
GET /vat/customer/vrn/:vrn/information Provides the ability for a taxpayer (Business or Individual) to retrieve a customer data record from the master system for the VAT tax regime.
GET /registration/personal-details/arn/:arn Provides the ability to request the Agent Record Details (business partner record) associated with the Register Once Number or Agent Register Once Number
GET /registration/personal-details/utr/:utr ^^ as above
POST /registration/agents/utr/:utr Provides the ability for an Agent to be subscribed into Agents Services, generating the agent reference number.
POST /registration/agents/safeId/:safeId Provides the ability for an Agent to be subscribed into Agents Services, generating the agent reference number.
POST /registration/individual/:idType/:idNumber Provides the ability for a Taxpayer (Business or Individual) to register on the master system. In order to utilise this API, the taxpayer must have a valid NINO, UTR or EORI..
POST /registration/organisation/:idType/:idNumber Provides the ability for a Taxpayer (Business or Individual) to register on the master system. In order to utilise this API, the taxpayer must have a valid NINO, UTR or EORI..
GET /sa/agents/:agentref/client/:utr Retrieves Agent-Client authorization flag from Data Cache
POST /registration/02.00.00/individual Provides the ability for an individual who is not in possession of a UTR to register on ETMP
POST /registration/02.00.00/organisation Provides the ability for an organisation who is not in possession of a UTR to register on ETMP
POST /agents/paye/:agentCode/clients/compare Returns agent-client authorisations for epaye
DELETE /agents/paye/:agentCode/clients/:taxOfficeNumber/:taxOfficeReference Removes given agent-client authorisation for epaye
GET /corporation-tax/identifiers/:idType/:idValue Provides the ability for a Taxpayer to retrieve the Corporation Tax Unique Taxpayer Reference (CTUTR) given a Company Registration Number (CRN) identifier

Writes received events to the output stream.

Endpoint Description
POST /write/audit write audit event
POST /write/audit/merged write audit event
Endpoint Description
POST /ni-exemption-registration/ni-businesses/:utr payload: {"postcode":"AA1 1AA"}

This endpoint checks UTR and postcode against Business Partner Record and eventually return EORI if defined there.

Creates an envelope and routes and envelope.

Endpoint Description
POST /file-upload/envelopes Creates an envelope
POST /file-routing/requests Routes an envelope
POST /file-upload/upload/envelopes/:envelopeId/files/:fileId Uploads a file

Custom API


POST /agents-external-stubs/sign-in

Authenticate an user.

Returns Location header with a link to the authentication details and Authorization header containing bearer token and X-Session-ID header containing session ID.


{"userId": "your_test_user", "providerType": "GovernmentGateway", "planetId":"your_test_planet"}

All parameters are optional. Sensible random values will be generated if missing.

Add ?userIdFromPool query parameter to automatically select user id from the default pool

Response Description
200 when an existing authentication (based on a header) and user found
201 when new authentication and user created
202 when new authentication created for an existing user

Example (using httpie):

http POST localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/sign-in userId=Alf planetId=Melmac
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Location: /agents-external-stubs/session?authToken=8321db03-ba01-4115-838a-49daab5c6679
Authorization: Bearer 8321db03-ba01-4115-838a-49daab5c6679
X-Session-ID: 7323-872-873872    


curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/sign-in
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/sign-in --data '{"userId":"Alf"}'
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/sign-in --data '{"planetId":"Melmac"}'
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/sign-in --data '{"userId":"Alf","planetId":"Melmac"}'

GET /agents-external-stubs/session/:authToken

Get authentication details

Response Description
200 body: {"userId": "foo", "authToken": "G676JHDJSHJ767676H", "providerType": "GovernmentGateway", "planetId": "your_test_planetId", "sessionId": "your_session_id"}, Location header contains link to get the entity
404 when authToken not found

Example (using httpie):

http GET localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/session?authToken=8321db03-ba01-4115-838a-49daab5c6679
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "_links": [
            "href": "/agents-external-stubs/sign-out",
            "rel": "delete"
    "authToken": "8321db03-ba01-4115-838a-49daab5c6679",
    "planetId": "Melmac",
    "providerType": "GovernmentGateway",
    "sessionId": "e47f1b42-9616-43da-91f0-734eb958e88d",
    "userId": "Alf"


curl -v http://localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/session?authToken=da7a42f1-7c31-4c0b-b8cb-c9f325457275

GET /agents-external-stubs/session/current

Get current authentication details

Response Description
200 body: {"userId": "foo", "authToken": "G676JHDJSHJ767676H", "providerType": "GovernmentGateway", "planetId": "your_test_planetId", "sessionId": "your_session_id"}

GET /agents-external-stubs/sign-out

Terminate current authentication and invalidate bearer token.

Response Description
204 when success

Test Users Management

GET /agents-external-stubs/users?affinityGroup=X&limit=Y

Get all users available at the current planet (requires valid bearer token)

Optional params:

  • affinityGroup: only return users with this affinity
  • agentCode: only return agents with this agentCode
  • limit: max number of users returned, default to 100
Response Description
200 list of users as User entity
204 empty list of users

GET /agents-external-stubs/users/:userId

Get current user details. (requires valid bearer token)

Response Description
200 User entity
404 when userId not found

PUT /agents-external-stubs/users

Update current authenticated user. (requires valid bearer token)

WARNING Payload's userId field will not be used to find nor update!


User entity

Response Description
202 when user accepted, Location header contains link to get the entity
400 when user payload has not passed validation
409 when user cannot be updated because of a unique constraint violation

PUT /agents-external-stubs/users/:userId

Update an existing user. (requires valid bearer token)

WARNING Payload's userId field will not be used to find nor update!


User entity

Response Description
202 when user accepted, Location header contains link to get the entity
400 when user payload has not passed validation
404 when userId not found
409 when user cannot be updated because of a unique constraint violation

POST /agents-external-stubs/users/

Create a new user. (requires valid bearer token)

Add ?userIdFromPool query parameter to automatically select user id from the default pool


User entity

Response Description
201 when user created, Location header contains link to get the entity
400 when user payload has not passed validation
404 when userId not found
409 when userId already exists or any other unique constraint violation

Examples (using httpie):

http POST localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/users/ Authorization:"Bearer 7f53d0bb-f15c-4c83-9a0c-057a33caba0a" affinityGroup=Agent
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /agents-external-stubs/users/User239

http POST localhost:9009/agents-external-stubs/users/ Authorization:"Bearer 7f53d0bb-f15c-4c83-9a0c-057a33caba0a" userId=Alf affinityGroup=Agent
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /agents-external-stubs/users/Alf


curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 7f53d0bb-f15c-4c83-9a0c-057a33caba0a' --data '{"userId":"Alf","affinityGroup":"Individual"}'

DELETE /agents-external-stubs/users/:userId

Delete user. (requires valid bearer token)

Response Description
204 user has been removed
404 when userId not found

POST /agents-external-stubs/users/api-platform

Create a new user from api-platform test user.


API Platform test user

Response Description
201 when user created, Location header contains link to get the entity
400 when user payload has not passed validation
404 when userId not found
409 when userId already exists or any other unique constraint violation

Test Master Records Management

GET /agents-external-stubs/records

Returns all records on the planet grouped by the type, e.g. records response.

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/:recordId

Returns a record by its ID

PUT /agents-external-stubs/records/:recordId

Updates the record

DELETE /agents-external-stubs/records/:recordId

Removes the record

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/business-partner-record

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/business-partner-record/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/business-details

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/business-details/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/vat-customer-information

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/vat-customer-information/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/relationship

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/relationship/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/legacy-agent

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/legacy-agent/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/legacy-relationship

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/legacy-relationship/generate

POST /agents-external-stubs/records/employer-auths

GET /agents-external-stubs/records/employer-auths/generate

Test Known Facts Management

GET /agents-external-stubs/known-facts/:enrolmentKey

Get known facts (enrolment) information

Response Description
200 EnrolmentInfo entity if found
404 enrolmentKey not found

POST /agents-external-stubs/known-facts

Creates new known facts (enrolment)

Payload: KnownFacts entity

    "enrolmentKey": "HMRC-MTD-IT~MTDITID~XC1234567890987", 
    "verifiers": [ 
        { "key": "NINO", "value": "AB087054B" }
Response Description
201 new known facts created

PUT /agents-external-stubs/known-facts/:enrolmentKey

Upserts known facts (enrolment)

Response Description
201 new known facts created
202 known facts updated

PUT /agents-external-stubs/known-facts/:enrolmentKey/verifier

Upserts single known fact verifier

Response Description
202 known facts updated
404 enrolmentKey not found

Payload: KnownFact

{ "key": "NINO", "value": "AB087054B" }

DELETE /agents-external-stubs/known-facts/:enrolmentKey

Remove known facts (enrolment), do not removes users allocations and assignments

Response Description
204 known fact removed
404 enrolmentKey not found

Special Cases (Exceptions) Management

Payload and response examples

GET /agents-external-stubs/special-cases

List all special cases defined on the planet

Response Description
200 special cases array if any
204 None found

GET /agents-external-stubs/special-cases/:id

Get special case by id

Response Description
200 special case entity if found
404 Not found

POST /agents-external-stubs/special-cases

Create special case (or update)

Response Description
201 special case entity created

PUT /agents-external-stubs/special-cases/:id

Update special case

Response Description
202 special case entity update accepted
404 Not found

DELETE /agents-external-stubs/special-cases/:id

Delete special case

Response Description
204 special case entity removed

Test Planets Management

DELETE /agents-external-stubs/planets/:planetId

Destroy the test planet and all the data there

Running the tests

sbt test it:test

Running the tests with coverage

sbt clean coverageOn test it:test coverageReport

Running the app locally

sm --start AGENTS_STUBS -f


sbt run

It should then be listening on port 9009 and others

browse http://localhost:9009/


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License