
routing with ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Word Definer

Created by: Alyssa Colistro


A simple web app that allows user to create new words and add a definition for the words. This app was created to practice using routing in ruby and using the heroku tool.


HTTP verb Route CRUD Action Description
GET /words READ Get list of words
GET /words/:id READ Look at info page for single word
POST /words CREATE Add new word to the list of words
PATCH /words/:id UPDATE Update single word
DELETE /words/:id DELETE Delete word from the list
GET /words/new READ Navigate to page for adding a new word to list
GET /words/:id/edit READ Navigate to form page for editing a word


Known Bugs

This app returns a "not found" message when user clicks on a word they have added to the list. Also, when the main page is refreshed, it will duplicate the last word added.

Support and contact details

If you find a bug or solution to pass the final spec, I highly encourage you to contact me at arcolistro@gmail.com and/or submit a pull request to this repository. Please note that this application is not built to be compatible with web-accessibility tools or be viewed on any browser other than the current version of the Chrome browser.

Technologies Used

This project was built using HTML, Ruby, Ruby Gems, Sinatra and Heroku.


No licenses are needed for the current version of this application

Copyright (c) 2019 MallSoft95 LLC


Behavior: Input: Output:

Behavior: User can add a word to the list Input: word Output: word

Behavior: User can add multiple word_names to words Input: word: word_name of word Output: word: word_name of word

Behavior: When a word is clicked, it's word_name(s) are displayed Input: click on word link Output: display word_name of word