
Install RHACS on CodeReady Containers

Primary LanguageJinja

Install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for K8s in Openshift

Deploy Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes Demo ( Apps and Pipelines ) on OpenShift 4.x in a easy and automated way.


Ansible 2.9

Define variables for your cluster

Variable Description
ocp_username OpenShift Cluster Admin User
ocp4_workload_stackrox_central_admin_password RHACS - Central Admin Password
ocp4_workload_stackrox_central_orchestrator crc or openshift ( full cluster )
ACTION create ( To install ) or destroy ( To uninstall )


Installing RHACS and Demo workloads

ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
git clone https://github.com/rcarrata/rhacs-demo
cd rhacs-demo

You can use the rhacs-install.yaml as example, please change the credentials before running the playbook.

rhacs-install.yaml file Example

- hosts: localhost
    ocp_username: kubeadmin
    ocp4_workload_stackrox_central_admin_password: QHb7jH9SusmBmmQX
    ocp4_workload_stackrox_central_orchestrator: crc
    #ocp4_workload_stackrox_central_orchestrator: openshift
  - ocp4_workload_stackrox_central
  - ocp4_workload_stackrox_sensor
  - ocp4_workload_stackrox_demo_apps
  - ocp4_workload_stackrox_demo_pipeline

Login to ocp using a Cluster-Admin user.

oc login -u admin https://yourcluster:6443

Running the playbook.

ansible-playbook rhacs-install.yaml

It might take a bit of time, so grab a coffee and enjoy :)