
Primary LanguageJavaScript

SpaceBug (Meteor + Apollo + React + Antd boilerplate)

A simple kit to start experimenting with Apollo, Meteor and React.


Check package.json for specific versions

Running it

meteor npm install

GraphiQL is enabled at /graphiql.

Folder structure

├── client                  # Client files
│   ├── theme.less          # Holds .less file for styles
│   ├── main.html           # First loaded view pulling from imports
│   └── main.js             # Imports all required files from imports/startup/client folder
├── imports                 # A client/server folder
│   ├── api                 #
│   |  └── Document             # Folder is named as the singuler collection name
│   |       └── model.js    # Holds a simple-schema declaration (similar to mongoose ORM or seuqlize)
│   |       └── schema.js   # Holds the graphql schema (which includes the schema and the mutations)
│   |  └── schema.js        # Compiles all the different schemas and resolvers together to be exported to server
│   |  └── base-model.js    # Holds a basic simple-schema that is attached to (almost) all models (e.g. createdAt, ownerId, lastUpdated, etc.)
│   |  └── api-helpers.js   # Holds some basic helpers functions used by different resolvers (e.g. resolvers found in Document/schema.js or User/schema.js)
│   |  └── error-enums.js   # Will hold some constant values that are often used ("not an admin", "not authorized", "only owner of document can edit this", etc.)
|   └── startup             # folder that exports all code to either server or client on startup
│      └── client           # folder is eported to the client. Holds react-router routing, etc.
│      └── server           # code that is exported to the server on startup (configuring email, configure s3, configure graphql server, etc.)
|   └── modules             # UI React rendering
│      └── config           # holds some constants and configuration used around the app
│      └── helpers          # holds helpers used around the app (e.g. helper for uploading to s3, moment.js helper functions, etc.)
|   └── ui                  # UI React rendering
│      └── apollo           # folder holds (1) the initialized apollo client in ApolloClient.js, (2) a folder of queries and (3) a folder of mutations
│      └── components       # a folder of shared components
│      └── layouts          # a folder holding the layouts (admin, public, etc) for the webapp
│      └── pages            # Pages are like screens. Pages sit inside of a layout. Components sit inside of a page.
├── server                  # Server files
│   └── server.js           # Main server file initiating Apollo server
└── package.json            # node dependencies

   # node dependencies

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