
Mac Scripting with GuileScript

Primary LanguageScheme


gas is a tool that allows writing Mac Scripting applications with GuileScript.

This project is in a very primitive state since it depends on GuileScript which is totally a work-in-progress. I actually started GuileScript in order to be able to create gas after seeing obb, a very cool ClojureScript project.



You can clone the repo and run:

$ make install

But it’s probably better if you install it through Guile Homebrew:

$ brew install aconchillo/guile/gas


There’s only a couple of examples right now, you can try:

$ gas examples/choices.gs

Running things from the command line

It is also possible to evaluate simple code from the command line. For example, you can play and pause your Spotify app with this:

$ gas -e '(js-invoke (Application "Spotify") playpause)

Creating a macOS app

Another sweet thing you can do is create a macOS app:

$ gas -a Choices.app examples/choices.gs
