
Tailwind plugin which enables setting CSS rules for all children in parent

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Repeat elements without repeating styles *.child, .sibling, and .descendant* variants for TailwindCSS v3+


  1. Install package:
npm install tailwind-children --save
  1. Add to tailwind.config.js
plugins: [
  1. Build tailwind:
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css

Pre-alpha. This will change!

child variant

Set the styles in the parent and it will apply for all children with matching child class.
Aletrnatively, set the type of child with child-{element type}, and rule will be applied to matching elements. We are working on adding arbitrary classes in the form of child-['.class'], At which point we will remove all uncommon child-{element} variants. child-p and child-div are fine, but child-video will need to be changed to child-['video'].

Aliases: children is an alias of child, and can be used interchangeably.

Event Handling:
Events set before the element will be applied to children. See here.
Deprecated: Use child-* modifiers like child-hover to apply state and psuedo-classes to children elements.

<!-- apply to all children with matching .child class -->
<div class="overflow-hidden child:ring-white hover:child:shadow">
	<p class="child">I have a white ring...</p>
	<p class="child">And a shadow on hover!</p>

<!-- apply to <p> elements, with shadow on hover -->
<div class="overflow-hidden
		child-p:ring-white hover:child-p:shadow">
	<p>I have a white ring...</p>
	<p>And a shadow on hover!</p>

Descendant variant

Same usage, but includes non-direct descendants. Can use descendant or heir aliases

<div class="overflow-hidden
		heir:ring-white hover:heir:shadow">
		<p class="heir">I have a white ring...</p>
		<p class="heir">And a shadow on hover!</p>

<div class="overflow-hidden
		descendant-p:ring-white hover:descendant-p:shadow">
		<p>I have a white ring...</p>
		<p class="
			ring-white hover:shadow
			sibling-p:ring-white hover:sibling-p:shadow">I have a white ring...</p>
		<p>And a shadow on hover!</p>

Sibling variant

Same basic usage, but is applied to first of the repeating elements. Styles must be applied twice - once for itself and once for siblings with sibling: variant. (This has some duplication, but has an advantage that the styles are applied directly to the affected element and not to the parent)

	<p class="
		ring-white hover:shadow
		sibling:ring-white hover:sibling:shadow">I have a white ring...</p>
	<p class="sibling">And a shadow on hover!</p>

	<p class="
		ring-white hover:shadow
		sibling-p:ring-white hover:sibling-p:shadow">I have a white ring...</p>
	<p>And a shadow on hover!</p>


TailwindCSS is a GREAT utility-first CSS framework. Instead of inline styles (<p style='display:block'>) or opinionated predefined classes (<button class='btn'>) you have classes that replace and enhance the inline styles (<p class='block'>).

Its biggest issue is that it is (to quote them) "ugly". Your page gets littered with hundreds or thousands of classes. That ugliness is justified though, and once you start using TW you will never go back.

But there is one case where the ugliness is not just extreme, it also slows dev, adds complexity and introduces errors. It is such an issue, that it is referred to again and again in the official docs, has a page to itself - and the suggested solutions are pretty poor; use an editor plugin or rely on JS.

The issue is that of repeating elements (such as <li>'s) that use the same styles. And its an issue which is surprising, as Tailwind's class based nature should make it really easy to fix.

This, then, is an attempt to solve the issue of reusing styles through a plugin, and maybe @adam will see this and make it official :)

The Issue

To copy the example loosely from https://tailwindcss.com/docs/reusing-styles. Let's say you want to experiment with adding a shadow to all your <img>s. Manually copying it in each one is slowly and buggy. What to do?

<div class="mt-3 flex -space-x-2 overflow-hidden">
	<img class="inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img0.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img1.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img2.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img3.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img4.jpg" alt=""/>

A Proper Solution

Use heir, child, or sibling variants to target the respective elements (see usage above).

<div class="mt-3 flex -space-x-2 overflow-hidden
	child:inline-block child:h-12 child:w-12 child:rounded-full child:ring-2 child:ring-white hover:child:shadow">
	<img class="child" src="/img0.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="child" src="/img1.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="child" src="/img2.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="child" src="/img3.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img class="child" src="/img4.jpg" alt=""/>

Isn't that nice?

A better solution for sibling (not implemented)

Add class .siblings to the first element, and that will set up a rule .siblings ~ * to apply the same rules to all of the siblings.

This will make it simple to experiment, easy to understand, is clean and is DRY. FTW!

<div class="mt-3 flex -space-x-2 overflow-hidden">
    <img class="siblings inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow" src="/img0.jpg" alt=""/>
    <img src="/img1.jpg" alt=""/>
    <img src="/img2.jpg" alt=""/>
    <img src="/img3.jpg" alt=""/>
    <img src="/img4.jpg" alt=""/>

Even better, we can have siblings-of-type to have it only apply said classes to peer elements with same tag. Admittedly, I do not know of any similar existing TW rule, but maybe it is just a matter of no need.

A better solution for children (non-standard, not implemented)

Tailwind doesn't use other custom attributes, but I don't see why they shouldn't. CSS can handle any selectors, and we can prefix with tw- if we worry about conflict.

We can therefore create a children attribute with what ought to be applied to the children, and that would readable and DRY.

<div class="mt-3 flex -space-x-2 overflow-hidden"
	children="siblings inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow"
	<img  src="/img0.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img src="/img1.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img src="/img2.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img src="/img3.jpg" alt=""/>
	<img src="/img4.jpg" alt=""/>

This would make a rather awkward css rule, but not one that affects the dev or the user: [children="siblings inline-block h-12 w-12 rounded-full ring-2 ring-white hover:shadow"] > * { ... }

To be sure, I think that Tailwind should offer this for all psuedo-classes:

<div class="block"
	tw-after="content-['wow'] text-white">...

And it is my hope that this plugin might be a foray into such usage!

Design Decision and Implementation

Like every good project, Tailwind has a consistent style, and we should be consistent with it.
Here are examples where a TW class effects another element:

<body class="dark">
<p class="dark:shadow">p has shadow when dark theme enabled</p>

<input class="peer">
<p class="peer-hover:shadow">p has shadow when hovering on input</p>

<div class="group">
<p class="group-hover:shadow">p has shadow when hovering over div</p>

In each of these examples,

  • we have the class on both the "calling" and "receiving" elements,
  • psuedo-classes are applied as variant-*, eg. peer-hover.

Therefore, in the first version of tailwind-children, we used the form child-hover:shadow with a dash between child and hover.

To match @tailwindcss/typography, you can now use the form hover:child:shadow or hover:child-div:shadow.
In addittion, you can still use child-hover:shadow, but not when specifying a element type.

Let's see how that works out for us:

  1. When declaring a state, we can use the form hover:child:shadow with the hover before the child.

    • Deprecated: One can also use the form child-hover:shadow.
      This form cannot be used with a element type (eg. child-div-hover:shadow won't work).
  2. The rules only apply to children that have the matching child/sibling/etc class.
    To demonstrate, if wanted only one of two children to match, here are several options.

    a. Require elements to "opt-in" with a "child" class

    <div class="child:shadow">
    	<p class="child">Shadow</p>
    	<p>No Shadow</p>

    b. Apply style to all children, and allow children to override rules as needed.

    <div class="child:shadow">
        <p class="drop-shadow-none">No Shadow</p>

    c. Offer a no-child class that tells it to not inherit

    <div class="child:shadow">
        <p class="no-child">No Shadow</p>

    d. Only apply inheritance to element whose type is passed in. (Either child-span or child-['span'])

    <div class="child-span:shadow">
        <p>No Shadow</p>

    tailwind-child uses method d, and @tailwindcss/typography supports methods b, c and d.
    We hope to support all 4, but c is not yet implemented.

  3. No using a class to copy other classes. Excludes the "better sibling solution" above. The idea was to set a flag that the styles and events that applied to the first should be applied to all siblings. Eventually, I do hope to implement this, so that it can be ignored by purists.

  4. No custom attributes, which excludes the "better children solution" above. I might eventually implement it, even though it is not a tailwind style rule at all. Feel free to not use.


Please open issues, file bug reports, give me your opinions on variant names, default styles and behaviors, and whatever else you can think of. There are a lot of good things input can add!

tailwind-children is a ES6 module that is backported to CommonJS for use with taiwindcss (which is in CommonJS format).

Originally, we used [require-esm-in-cjs] to seetup a simple CJS wrapper around the ES6 module, but this seemed to have created an issue for Vite users)

Until that can be resolved, am using esbuild (installed globally) to export to CJS for production as follows:

  1. esbuild ./src/index.mjs --outdir=dist --format=cjs
  2. echo "module.exports = src_default;" >> "./dist/index.js"

To run tailwind and test visually:

  1. npx tailwind -o ./tests/test.css -c ./tests/tailwind.config.cjs -i ./tests/input.css

To run tests in JEST:

  1. npm run test