
Unofficial rick riordan fan community like pottermore

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Unofficial rick riordan fan community like pottermore

The goal is to create an open and structured website for fans of Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, Heroes of Olympus and other series by Rick Riordan to congregate, share creations, read the latest news and play awesome games. It's a bit like Pottermore, with news feeds, a shop, and quizzes. But it's not Pottermore - it focuses on end-user engagement and creates an accessible and easy forum for content creators to share their work. In other words, it's nothing like Pottermore.

We believe that Read Riordan could become a springboard to improving the reach of our own team, Signal Kinetics, due to a potential for a large user base that is interested in science fiction, fantasy, and great stories. We've committed to making this one of our 3 full-time projects for the Australia-based team, and we hope that this project will be able to continue for the long term.

We do have plans to implement a paywall, slightly out of character for an open-source team, but this is for a few reasons:

  • We want to create the best possible experience for users. This includes speed and security, and the more users we have the more this costs us out of pocket. If Pottermore is anything to go by, we believe that we have a potential for thousands of users, at least
  • We want to create a platform for content creators to earn money from their work, if they choose to implement it. SK will take a fixed rate of all "premium" memberships purchased on Read Riordan
  • The software and website remain open-source and on our Github repository

We're implementing a Rapid Application Development strategy for development of Read Riordan, split into a few phases:

  • Notion.so, Memberstack & Bootstrap stack. (Alpha Phase). Goal of this phase is to show the rough featureset we want with minimal effort and time spent
  • Discourse, Memberstack, Arcadia & Bootstrap stack (Beta Phase). We'll be implementing forums, games (through our Arcadia service) and better authentication services
  • Wordpress.org?, Memberstack & Arcadia stack (Release 1.0)