A "Gaikai style" NES emulator for the chromecast
Video Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk2eCWph6eQ
Credit to NES Emulator here: https://github.com/bfirsh/jsnes
Credit to Homebrew Rom here: http://www.mojontwins.com/juegos_mojonos/sir-ababol-nes/
This is a NES emulator "running" on a chromecast. What differeniates this from the Gameboy on the chromecast is that the NES emulator is actually running on your sender device, i.e. your PC. In addition to running the emulator, your PC also sends the image of the emulator to the chromecast. This, in effect, makes it a "Gaikai" or "OnLive" style of running the software sense all of the major processing is offloaded to your PC and the chromecast just worries about displaying the image.
This also means that any local ROM can be streamed to your chromecast. No more relying on the "cloud"
whitelist your device: https://developers.google.com/cast/whitelisting
Edit line 15 of receiver/index.html with your own APP ID
Edit line 39 of sender/index.html with your own APP ID
Put the receiver code at the URL you used to whitelist your chromecast
Put the sender code anywhere and tell your chromecast chrome extension to load the SDK at that domain (https://developers.google.com/cast/whitelisting)
Open the sender page in your browser... it should automatically connect to your chromecast and load the reciever page on your chromecast
Debug with following instructions https://developers.google.com/cast/developing_your_receiver#debugging
Add ROMs to the roms folder, and populate list on line 50 of sender/index.html with whatever ROMs you have.
In sender/js/jsnes.js. There are two variables on lines 6889 and 6890 that can be used to adjust the quality and performance of the emulator. frameNum tells how many frames to skip before rendering the next frame. Quality is the image quality that gets sent over to the chromecast.