Practice with Ravelry

This is a collection of functions and Jupyter Notebooks that I am using for Python data analysis practice.


  • Have Python 3 installed
  • Install the following packages: requests, csv, numpy, datetime, matplotlib, scipy (only requests and csv are needed to use the rav_get functions or ravelry_session class)
  • Get Ravelry API key (Basic Auth is ok. See


  1. Clone the repo (git clone
  2. Go to practice_with_ravelry directory
  3. Create a ravelry_auth.csv document. This document contains username,password for your Ravelry project. (Csv files have been added to .gitignore)

How to use

For running Jupyter Notebooks, see these instructions:

To use the functions in rav_get for your own API requests, use from rav_get import * from within the same directory as

Examples for ravelry_session

Initialize a Ravelry session:
from ravelry_session import ravelry_session
s = ravelry_session('ravelry_auth.csv')

Make a query for certain types of patterns, sorted by most relevant:
my_query = {'query': 'cables', 'pc': 'hat', 'weight': 'dk', 'sort': 'best'}
results = s.pattern_search(my_query)
You can use any of the keywords used in the pattern search on (look at the keywords in the URL for a search).

This returns an http request object (more info at To view the json data use:


I spent some time using to understand how to use the Ravelry API - it's a great tool for folks who are proficient in R. I have borrowed some concepts from that tool here.