
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Austin Coursey and Abel Diaz-Gonzalez AML Project


Create and activate the conda environment using:

conda env create -f environment.yml

conda activate aml

Attach the environment to Jupyter using:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=aml

Open this notebook using the command

jupyter notebook

inside your activated aml environment (if this command does not work, use pip install notebook.)

Go to Kernel -> change kernel -> aml at the top.

Download the data from https://vanderbilt.box.com/s/ljzx9zjcrlx1re9bfh331nl743k1shxz and put it in this directory.

Relevant Code

Code showing how we train normalizing flow models and perform empirical Bayes is shown in showcase.ipynb. Code used to train models on the Tennessee Eastman Process dataset is shown in TEP.ipynb. Code used to run the hyperparameter grid search is shown in hpo.py.