It's almost pretty sure you heard about JUnit 5 but maybe you have never migrated to it because you already use JUnit 4 and it does the work with it :)
You're right but if you have read what is new with JUnit 5, you would certainly migrate right now.
This kata is done for this. It's based on :
- JUnit 4 tests and assertions
- JUnit 4 parameterized tests
- AssertJ assertions
- JUnit 4 test with CSV file
And the project is about the tarot game :) More information by reading this page :
The goal of this kata is to migrate to JUnit 5.
You will see after :
- if you need to use junit-vintage
- if it's better to use AssertJ assertions or easy to migrate JUnit 4 assertions
- how the parameterized tests work with Junit 5
- the grouped assertions
- the new annotations
- ...
A very useful link about JUnit 5 in french :