
Acoustic Content Storefront is a sample showing how you can use Acoustic Content unmanaged assets to host a HCL Commerce Storefront. The storefront can be hosted directly on an Acoustic Content tenant, with blog and page content served from Acoustic Content and product pictures and information served by a HCL Commerce server.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



The deployment step of this repository pushes the Single Page Application's files into the Acoustic Content (formerly Watson Content Hub) tenant, overlaying existing files. It will overlay any existing files in the web asset folder. We recommend to first do a pull with wchtools in case you want to keep artifacts that you still need. If you use the Sites Single Page Application it will get overlayed.

To use

  1. Install dependencies, npm install

  2. Add your WCH and Commerce configuration or leverage the mock data (in case you do not want to connect to a commerce server) A. In src/app/common/dxconfig/serverConfig.json, replace each empty string with a string containing the correct value for the according key for your environment

    The file 'serverConfig.json' should contain the following values:

    can be found in Homepange of Content -> Profile Tab with username-> Hub information -> Content hub ID "contentHubID": "YOUR CONTENT TENANT ID",

    --can be found in Homepange of Content -> Profile Tab with username-> Hub information -> Domain name "contentHubDomainName": "YOUR CONTENT DOMAIN NAME",

    put your backend commerce server domain name - i.e. commerceserver.hcl.com "commerceSearchDomainName": "commerceserver.hcl.com",

    put your backend commerce server ssl port - i.e. 443 "commerceSearchSecurePort":"443",

    put your backend commerce server context root for search - i.e. /search/resources "commerceSearchContextPath":"/search/resources",

    put your transaction HCL commerce server domain name - i.e. commerceserver.hcl.com "commerceTransactionDomainName": "commerceserver.hcl.com",

    put your transaction HCL commerce server SSL port - i.e. 443 "commerceTransactionSecurePort": "443",

    put your transaction HCL commerce server context root - i.e. /wcs/resources "commerceTransactionContextPath":"/wcs/resources",

    put your transaction HCL commerce server store ID - i.e. 1 "commerceStoreID": "1",

    put your transaction HCL commerce server catalog ID - i.e. 10502 "commerceCatalogID": "10502"

    B. In package.json, replace the empty strings for url, username, & password with strings containing your Content API URL, Content username, & Content Password respectively

    The package.json should be input in this way:

    "version": "1.0.0",

    "description": "",

    "main": "index.js",

    "user": "YOUR WCH USERNAME",

    "password": "YOUR WCH PASSWORD",

    can be found in Homepange of Content -> Profile Tab with username -> Hub information -> API URL "url": "YOUR Content API URL",

  3. Build assets, npm run bundle

  4. Run local server, npm start

  5. Deploy to WCH, npm run deploy

Creating a component

npm run create-component -- <componentName> [<parentComponent>]

where component names are camelCased. This will create the directory and layout the file adjusting names accordingly. All that’s needed after that is to add the component to a module. parentComponent is optional.

Generating rest service class

npm run generate-rest -- --name <YourServieClassName> --module <NameOfModule> --resourceDomain <NameOfResourceDomain> --spec <path/to/your/spec.swagger.json> --tag <tagName>

run npm run generate-rest without arguments for hints. --tag argument is for Swagger 2.x, do not use this argument for Swagger 1.x.

Using mock data

Use one of two ways:

  1. set const CommerceEnvironemnt.transactionUseMocks = true for Commerce transaction server service or CommerceEnvironemnt.searchUseMocks = true for Commerce search server.
  2. call service with parameter url = 'mocks'

Available mock data

  1. top categories
  2. product with partNumber AuroraWMDRS-1 and AuroraWMDRS-001 under category Women/dresses
  3. shopping cart page and guest checkout flow.

Accessing the site

Leverage the Hub Information screen to get the configured host for your content hub (it could be a custom host name or the default host name) and leverage the URL to get to your commerce site. Samples would be (note the slash at the end): Default host name: https://content-xx-x.content-cms.com/4464b91f-6430-4201-9e21-010b7d06ef30/ Or custom host name: https://www.content-storefront.com/